Table of 6 moment tensors generated by write_mech_table.m on 2018-04-04 (22 header lines) The moment tensor is provided as six Mij entries in units of N-m. The basis convention follows the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT, project: up-south-east or r-t-p, where r=up, t=theta=south, and p=phi=east. Mij are listed in order of the diagonal entries (Mrr, Mtt, Mpp), followed by the off-diagonal entries. Also shown are other quantities derived from Mij; these entries are NOT listed with the highest precision. Conversion from matrix M to scalar M0 is from Silver and Jordan (1982, GJRAS): M0 = 1/sqrt(2)*sqrt(M:M) Conversion from M0 to Mw is from Kanamori (1977, JGR): Mw = (2/3)*log10(M0) + k with k = -(2/3)*(11.8 - log10(1/2e4) - 7) The strike, dip, and slip angles uniquely define the orientation of the moment tensor. The strike angle kappa ranges from 0 to 360. The dip angle theta ranges from 0 to 90. The slip (or rake) angle sigma ranges from -90 to 90. These angles define a plane for the closest double couple and are not physically meaningful for a moment tensor that is far from a double couple. If the moment tensor is a close to a double couple, then the angles define either the fault plane or the auxiliary plane. The moment tensor source type is represented by lune longitude (gamma) and lune latitude (delta) (Tape and Tape, 2012, GJI). COLUMNS origin time lon lat dep Mrr Mtt Mpp Mrt Mrp Mtp M0 Mw strike dip slip lune lune eid yy mm dd HH MM SS.FFF km N-m N-m N-m N-m N-m N-m N-m kappa theta sigma gamma delta 2012 04 11 09 21 57.444 -148.9461 64.9222 16.0000 -2.450438e+14 -1.087894e+14 3.538333e+14 1.970506e+14 2.918024e+14 -4.212868e+14 6.324555e+14 3.80 187.0 71.0 -39.0 0.0 0.0 20120411092157444 2013 03 12 07 39 50.214 -148.9505 64.7161 23.0000 2.689159e+13 -2.143207e+14 1.874291e+14 5.027867e+13 -8.219000e+13 -1.344579e+13 2.244037e+14 3.50 225.0 65.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 20130312073950214 2015 09 12 03 25 12.711 -148.6646 65.1207 21.0000 -1.716799e+14 -3.656665e+14 5.373464e+14 3.505602e+14 -1.753217e+14 -1.428505e+14 6.324555e+14 3.80 211.0 50.0 -16.0 0.0 0.0 20150912032512711 2015 10 22 13 16 15.794 -149.0388 64.7334 18.0000 -3.631398e+12 -5.330007e+12 8.961405e+12 5.280605e+12 -9.431359e+11 -3.278682e+12 1.002374e+13 2.60 206.0 56.0 -23.0 0.0 0.0 20151022131615794 2015 10 31 02 56 35.572 -149.6969 64.4285 25.0000 -1.640376e+13 -9.184081e+13 1.082446e+14 3.882943e+13 4.674536e+13 -1.064664e+14 1.588656e+14 3.40 200.0 82.0 -22.0 0.0 0.0 20151031025635572 2016 01 14 19 04 10.727 -149.2479 64.6827 17.0000 1.446262e+13 -3.763786e+14 3.619160e+14 -3.934553e+13 7.270183e+13 -2.391958e+14 4.477442e+14 3.70 29.0 81.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 20160114190410727