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dc.contributor.authorAmundson, Jason M.
dc.contributor.authorCarroll, D.
dc.identifier.citationAmundson, J. M., & Carroll, D. (2018). Effect of topography on subglacial discharge and submarine melting during tidewater glacier retreat. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123.
dc.description-We explored secular variations in subglacial discharge and submarine melting with an idealized model -Subglacial discharge increases as tidewater glaciers retreat along retrograde beds -Submarine melting depends on subglacial discharge and therefore promotes unstable retreat on retrograde bedsen_US
dc.description.abstractTo first order, subglacial discharge depends on climate, which determines precipitation fluxes and glacier mass balance, and the rate of glacier volume change. For tidewater glaciers, large and rapid changes in glacier volume can occur independent of climate change due to strong glacier dynamic feedbacks. Using an idealized tidewater glacier model, we show that these feedbacks produce secular variations in subglacial discharge that are influenced by subglacial topography. Retreat along retrograde bed slopes (into deep water) results in rapid surface lowering and coincident increases in subglacial discharge. Consequently, submarine melting of glacier termini, which depends on subglacial discharge and ocean thermal forcing, also increases during retreat into deep water. Both subglacial discharge and submarine melting subsequently decrease as glacier termini retreat out of deep water and approach new steady state equilibria. In our simulations, subglacial discharge reached peaks that were 6–17% higher than preretreat values, with the highest values occurring during retreat from narrow sills, and submarine melting increased by 14% for unstratified fjords and 51% for highly stratified fjords. Our results therefore indicate that submarine melting acts in concert with iceberg calving to cause tidewater glacier termini to be unstable on retrograde beds. The full impact of submarine melting on tidewater glacier stability remains uncertain, however, due to poor understanding of the coupling between submarine melting and iceberg calving.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFunding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NA13OAR4310098) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (PLR-1504288 and PLR-1504521).en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Geophysical Unionen_US
dc.sourceJournal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surfaceen_US
dc.subjectsubglacial dischargeen_US
dc.subjecttidewater glacier modelen_US
dc.subjectclimate changeen_US
dc.titleEffect of topography on subglacial discharge and submarine melting during tidewater glacier retreat.en_US

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