Extension offers hundreds of publications, written and produced by university specialists, which contain practical information of interest to Alaska residents. Many publications are free and available online. Major program areas include: agriculture and horticulture; health, home and family development; natural resources and community development; 4-H and youth development.
Published by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture.
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Recent Submissions
Cereals For Forage Production At Point MacKenzieResearch history on the soils in the Point MacKenzie project area is limited when compared to many other agricultural areas in Alaska. However, four years of soil fertility and forage production data has been compiled. The basis for information included here is research carried out on the research tract at Point MacKenzie by the staff at the Palmer Research Center. This information coupled with many years of breeding and crop selection data from the nearby Matanuska Valley, make preliminary recommendations possible.
Diseases of Economic Crops In AlaskaInspection and control of imported plant materials will assist in preventing diseases from entering Alaska.
Will Lime Improve Your Soil?Soil Testing Service, University of Alaska, 1956
Factors to Consider in Selecting a Soil Testing LabThis factsheet provides guidelines for selecting which tests one should use and finding soil testing laboratories that perform those tests. It is a fantastic tool for Alaskans as it highlights available options for tests, types of tests and testing facilities. Laboratory contact information is included.
Soil SamplingThis publication gives step-by-step instructions for sampling soil on your property. It gives the why, where and how of sampling, along with information necessary for having a sample analyzed.
Managing Alaska SoilsThis publication is for the gardener who wants to gain a more thorough understanding of soil basics, including soil components, texture, structure, water permeability and chemistry. There is also information on soil fertility and plant nutrients.
Hoop Houses in Rural Alaska: Twenty Questions and Answers to Get You StartedThis publication addresses the most common questions people have when considering whether to build a hoop house. There is information on the sizes and shapes of hoop houses, the cost of building and/or shipping a hoop house, ease of construction, sunlight and heat requirements, advice on what kind of production to expect, and much more.
Growing Potatoes in the Alaska GardenPotatoes are a great crop for Alaska gardens because they are easy to grow and have a high yield per square foot. This publication includes tips on planting, growing, harvesting and storing potatoes as well as suggestions for cooking and preparing them.
Mycorrhizae in the Alaska LandscapeThis publication explains how mycorrhiza, an important relationship between plant roots and certain types of fungi, can improve the plant's growth and provide protection from certain root diseases.