Vol 01 (1977)
Recent Submissions
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 1, No. 8 (December 1977)The December 1977 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum profiles the first Criminal Justice Center student to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Justice. Other articles describe the provisions of the proposed Revised Alaska Criminal Code involving robbery, armed robbery, and accomplice liability; and examines how government systems can be designed to reduce opportunity for public misconduct. Also included are a digest of recent Alaska Supreme Court opinions, the Spring 1978 semester schedule of Justice B.A. courses at University of Alaska campuses in Anchorage and Fairbanks, and a justice training calendar.
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 1, No. 7 (November 1977)A $183,000 LEAA grant will enable the Alaska Division of Corrections to develop a correctional master plan for improving the statewide correctional system; and the staff counsel of the Alaska Criminal Code Revision Subcommission describes the circumstances in which the use of force, or threat to use force, is justifiable and not a criminal offense under the proposed Revised Alaska Criminal Code. Other articles in the November 1977 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum examines the North Slope Borough Department of Public Safety's initiation in January 1977 of apprehension and short-term detention of intoxicated persons; and highlights the Alaska Supreme Court's concern with the effect of mounting caseloads. Also included are a digest of recent Alaska Supreme Court opinions, announcements of upcoming conferences and seminars, and a justice training calendar.
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 1, No. 6 (October 1977)The lead article of the October 1977 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum describes the provisions of House Bill 549, which would comprehensively revise Alaska's statutes pertaining to drug offenses. Other articles report on the 107th Congress of the American Correctional Association held August 21-25, 1977 in Milwaukee, describes reclassification of crimes of assault under the proposed Revised Alaska Criminal Code, a present the sixth of a six-part series on the history of the law of search and seizure. A justice training calendar is also included.
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 1, No. 5 (September 1977)Findings of an Alaska Judicial Council report on felony sentencing patterns indicate that factors such as defendant's race, occupation, and background, as well as criminal history, have a significant bearing on felony sentencing in Alaska. In other articles in the September 1977 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum, the staff counsel of the Alaska Criminal Code Revision Subcommission describes classification of the three crimes of murder, manslaughter, and criminally negligent manslaughter under the proposed Revised Alaska Criminal Code, and the fifth of a six-part series on the history of the law of search and seizure is presented. The issue also includes announcements of upcoming meetings and conferences, resources, and a justice training calendar.
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 1, No. 4 (August 1977)In the lead article of the August 1977 Alaska Justice Forum, the staff counsel of the Alaska Criminal Code Revision Subcommission describes the reclassification of sexual offenses under the proposed Revised Alaska Criminal Code. Other articles include the fourth of a six-part series on the history of the law of search and seizure and description of a new system to be used in processing of grant applications by the Governor's Commission on the Administration of Justice. The issue also includes announcements of upcoming meetings and conferences, resources, and Fall 1977 justice courses offered at University of Alaska campuses.
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 1, No. 3 (July 1977)The July1977 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum leads with a presentation of salient findings from the Alaska Judicial Council's interim report of the Alaska attorney general's ban on plea bargaining. Other articles include a history of the Alaska Criminal Justice Planning Agency (CJPA), which serves as staff to the Governor's Commission on the Administration of Justice, a description of the newly developed two-year and four-year Justice degree programs at the University of Alaska, and a critical look at the misuse of public opinion surveys to address criminal justice issues. The third of a six-part series on the history of the law of search and seizure is accompanied by a review of U.S. case law on search and seizure. Upcoming meetings and seminars are announced.
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 1977)The June 1977 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum leads with an article describing the work of the Alaska Criminal Code Revision Subcommission and provisions of the proposed Alaska Revised Criminal Code. Other articles discuss projections for criminal justice employment in Alaska, citizen involvement in crime prevention, and innovations in handling minor disputes. A review of Alaska case law involving Miranda rights and second of a six-part series on the history of the law of search and seizure are also presented.
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1977)The Alaska Justice Forum, a pilot project funded through a grant from the Governor's Commission on the Administration of Justice, will be built around educational material for Alaska justice system professionals, according to the lead article in the inaugural issue of the Forum. Other article include a review of recent court decisions related to the right of an accused to have counsel at pre-indictment lineups, first of a six-part series on the history of the law of search and seizure, an update on the ongoing revision of Alaska's criminal code, and a description of continuing education courses and seminars for criminal justice professionals being developed by the Criminal Justice Center.