36(1), Fall 2019
Recent Submissions
Legal Representation and Custody DeterminationsDo lawyers matter in case outcomes, and can this be shown empirically? A recently published study of initial custody disputes suggests that having an attorney can result in a more favorable outcome for the client, but only if the other side is not also represented by an attorney.
Academy Expands Medical Forensic Care and ResponseThe Alaska Comprehensive Forensic Training Academy, the first of its kind in the nation, trains nurses and health care providers to support victims of interpersonal violence in a trauma-informed manner and to preserve potential evidence and information for future prosecutions.
Alaska Sex Offense Law: What Has ChangedAlaska’s sex offense laws fall into three broad categories: crimes and defenses, sentencing, and post-release supervision and registry. This article discusses each in turn, looking at how these laws have changed following the 31st legislative session.
Editor's NoteAn update on the Alaska Justice Forum during times of change at the University of Alaska Anchorage, including the publication's transition to an all-digital format.
Study Examines Sexual Assault Survivor ExperiencesThe Alaska Department of Public Safety is working with the University of Alaska Anchorage Justice Center to better understand how sexual assaults reported to the Alaska State Troopers are handled and perceived, and which factors shape the likelihood of achieving justice for sexual assault victim-survivors. A final report including recommendations for practice improvement is expected mid-2020.
Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 36, No. 1 (Fall 2019) The Alaska Justice Forum has resumed publication with our Fall 2019 issue. In this issue we explore a study of Alaska sexual assault survivor experiences; recent changes to Alaska sex offense law; an innovative academy that trains health care providers to support victims of interpersonal violence; and how legal representation affects custody determinations in divorce cases.