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dc.contributor.authorMerculieff, Larry
dc.contributor.authorGehrett, Christine
dc.contributor.authorKimura, Greg
dc.identifier.citationUAA. Bookstore special events records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.en_US
dc.description.abstractLarry Merculieff was born and raised with a traditional upbringing on St. Paul Island. In 2003, Larry was instrumental in gaining both federal and state recognition of Alaska Native subsistence rights to harvest halibut throughout coastal Alaska. Recently he founded Seven Generations Consulting. His focus for the discussion is the process of connecting with others. Dr. Christine Gehrett is an associate professor in Education. She teaches foundation courses in education, serves on the advisory board for the Alaska Educational Innovations Network (AEIN), on the Chevak advisory board, and on the Center for Community Engagement and Learning advisory council. Her focus for the discussion is peace from within. Dr. Greg Kimura is President and CEO of the Alaska Humanities Forum. A fourth generation Alaskan from Chugiak-Eagle River, he holds a M.Div from Harvard University, where he wrote a thesis on Zen Buddhism and Western philosophical thought, and a PhD from Cambridge University in the philosophy of religion. His focus for the discussion is the ontological state of being.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Alaska Anchorage. Bookstoreen_US
dc.titleLiving Peace Nowen_US
dc.typeRecording, oralen_US

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February 7, 2011 Living Peace ...
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