Fellman, Jason
Jason B. Fellman, Ph.D. is Deputy Director - Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center & Research Assistant Professor of Environmental Science
Recent Submissions
Glaciers, snow, and rain: Water source influences invertebrate community structure and secondary production across a hydrologically diverse subarctic landscapeThe melting cryosphere adds heterogeneity to the abiotic and biotic characteristics of many high latitude and montane rivers. However, climate change threatens the cryosphere's persistence in many regions. While existing research has explored the impacts of cryospheric loss on the diversity and structure of freshwater communities, implications for functional traits of communities, such as production of aquatic invertebrates, remain unresolved. Here, we quantified aquatic invertebrate community structure and secondary production in southeast Alaska (USA) streams that represent a meltwater to non-meltwater gradient, including streams fed primarily by: (1) glacier-melt, (2) snowmelt, (3) rainfall, and (4) a combination of these sources. We found alpha diversity was highest in the snow-fed stream and lowest in the glacier-fed stream. Annual secondary production was also lowest in the glacier-fed stream (0.56 g ash-free dry mass m−2), but 2–5 times higher in the other stream types primarily due to greater production of shared taxa that were found in all streams. However, despite low invertebrate diversity and productivity, the glacier-fed stream hosted distinct species assemblages associated with unique cycles of stream flow, water temperature, turbidity, and nutrient concentrations, which contributed to higher beta diversity between streams. Our findings suggest that the loss of glacier-melt contributions to rivers may result in increased freshwater invertebrate production but reduced beta diversity, which could have implications for community stability and the capacity of landscapes to support higher-level consumers, including fishes.
Modeling coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) population response to streamflow and water temperature extremesModels that assess the vulnerability of freshwater species to shifting environmental conditions do not always account for short-duration extremes, which are increasingly common. Life cycle models for Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) generally focus on average conditions that fish experience during each life stage, yet many floods, low flows, and elevated water temperatures only last days to weeks. We developed a process-based life cycle model that links coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) abundance to daily streamflow and thermal regimes to assess: (1) “How does salmon abundance respond to short-duration floods, low flows, and high temperatures in glacier-, snow-, and rain-fed streams?” and (2) “How does the temporal resolution of flow and temperature data influence these responses?”. Our simulations indicate that short-duration extremes can reduce salmon abundance in some contexts. However, after daily flow and temperature data were aggregated into weekly and monthly averages, the impact of extreme events on populations declined. Our analysis demonstrates that novel modeling frameworks that capture daily variability in flow and temperature are needed to examine impacts of extreme events on Pacific salmon.
Hydroclimate drives seasonal riverine export across a gradient of glacierized high-latitude coastal catchmentsGlacierized coastal catchments of the Gulf of Alaska (GoA) are undergoing rapid hydrologic fluctuations in response to climate change. These catchments deliver dissolved and suspended inorganic and organic matter to nearshore marine environments, however, these glacierized coastal catchments are relatively understudied and little is known about total solute and particulate fluxes to the ocean. We present hydrologic, physical, and geochemical data collected during April–October 2019–2021 from 10 streams along gradients of glacial fed to non-glacial (i.e., precipitation) fed, in one Southcentral and one Southeast Alaska region. Hydrologic data reveal that glaciers drive the seasonal runoff patterns. The ẟ18O signature and specific conductance show distinctive seasonal variations in stream water sources between the study regions apparently due to the large amounts of rain in Southeast Alaska. Total dissolved solids concentrations and yields were elevated in the Southcentral region, due to lithologic influence on dissolved loads, however, the hydroclimate is the primary driver of the timing of dissolved and suspended yields. We show the yields of dissolved organic carbon is higher and that the δ13CPOC is enriched in the Southeast streams illustrating contrasts in organic carbon export across the GoA. Finally, we illustrate how future yields of solutes and sediments to the GoA may change as watersheds evolve from glacial influenced to precipitation dominated. This integrated analysis provides insights into how watershed characteristics beyond glacier coverage control properties of freshwater inputs to the GoA and the importance of expanding study regions to multiple hydroclimate regimes.
Riverine dissolved inorganic carbon export from the Southeast Alaskan Drainage Basin with implications for coastal ocean processesDissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) represents an important but poorly constrained form of lateral carbon flux to the oceans. With high precipitation rates, large glaciers, and dense temperate rainforest, Southeast Alaska plays a critical role in the transport of carbon to the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Previous estimates of DIC flux across the Southeast Alaska Drainage Basin (SEAKDB) are poorly constrained in space and time. Our goal was to incorporate recent measurements of DIC concentrations with previous measurements from the U.S. Geological Survey in order to model the spatial and temporal patterns of riverine DIC transport from SEAK to the GOA. We aggregated DIC concentration measurements from 1957 to 2020 and associated measurements of mean daily discharge. We then constructed load estimation models to generate concentration predictions across 24 watersheds. By spatially matching measurements of DIC with SEAKDB watersheds, we extrapolated concentration predictions across 2,455 watersheds encompassing approximately 190,000 km2. Models were aggregated according to two factors, the presence of karst and the discharge regime. Finally, monthly flux predictions were generated for each watershed using predicted concentrations and runoff estimates from the Distributed Climate Water Balance Model. Mean annual DIC flux from the SEAKDB was 2.36 Tg C with an average yield of 12.52 g C m−2. Both karst presence and flow regimes modified DIC flux and speciation across coastal marine areas. The high resolution of DIC flux estimates will provide useful inputs for describing seasonal C dynamics, and further refines our understanding of C budgets in the Pacific temperate rainforest and the surrounding marine environment.
Small, coastal temperate rainforest watersheds dominate dissolved organic carbon transport to the Northeast Pacific OceanThe northeast Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest (NPCTR) extending from southeast Alaska to northern California is characterized by high precipitation and large stores of recently fixed biological carbon. We show that 3.5 Tg-C yr−1 as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is exported from the NPCTR drainage basin to the coastal ocean. More than 56% of this riverine DOC flux originates from thousands of small (mean = 118 km2), coastal watersheds comprising 22% of the NPCTR drainage basin. The average DOC yield from NPCTR coastal watersheds (6.20 g-C m−2 yr−1) exceeds that from Earth's tropical regions by roughly a factor of three. The highest yields occur in small, coastal watersheds in the central NPCTR due to the balance of moderate temperature, high precipitation, and high soil organic carbon stocks. These findings indicate DOC export from NPCTR watersheds may play an important role in regional-scale heterotrophy within near-shore marine ecosystems in the northeast Pacific.
Stream hydrology and a pulse subsidy shape patterns of fish foraging1. Pulsed subsidy events create ephemeral fluxes of hyper-abundant resources that can shape annual patterns of consumption and growth for recipient consumers. However, environmental conditions strongly affect local resource availability for much of the year, and can heavily impact consumer foraging and growth patterns prior to pulsed subsidy events. Thus, a consumer's capacity to exploit pulse subsidy resources may be influenced by antecedent environmental conditions, but this has rarely been shown in nature and is unknown in aquatic ecosystems. 2. Here, we sought to understand the importance of hydrologic variation and a salmon pulse subsidy on the foraging and growth patterns of two stream salmonids in a coastal southeast Alaska drainage. 3. To do this, we sampled fish stomach contents at a high temporal frequency (daily–weekly measurements) and analyzed fish consumption rates in relation to streamflow and pulse subsidy resource availability. We then explored the influence of interannual hydrologic variation on access to pulse subsidy resources (i.e. whether fish exceeded an egg consumption gape limit) in a bioenergetic simulation. 4. Prior to Pink Salmon spawning, Dolly Varden and Coho Salmon displayed distinct and nonlinear flow-foraging relationships, where forage for both species consisted primarily of macroinvertebrates. During this time period, consumption maxima coincided with baseflow and the highest observed flow conditions, and consumption minima were observed at severe low-water and intermediate flow values. After salmon spawning began, forage was not significantly related to flow and consisted primarily of salmon eggs. Further, consumption rates increased overall, and foraging patterns did not appear to be affected by flow in either species. Bioenergetic simulations revealed that patterns of interannual hydrologic variation may shift Coho Salmon growth trajectories among years. 5. Together, our results suggest that access to marine pulse subsidy resources may depend on whether antecedent hydrologic conditions are suitable for juvenile salmonids to grow large enough to consume salmon eggs by the onset of spawning.
The role of glacier erosion in riverine particulate organic carbon exportBiospheric particulate organic carbon (POCbio) burial and rock petrogenic particulate organic carbon (POCpetro) oxidation are opposing long-term controls on the global carbon cycle, sequestering and releasing carbon, respectively. Here, we examine how watershed glacierization impacts the POC source by assessing the concentration and isotopic composition (δ13C and Δ14C) of POC exported from four watersheds with 0%–49% glacier coverage across a melt season in Southeast Alaska. We used two mixing models (age-weight percent and dual carbon isotope) to calculate concentrations of POCbio and POCpetro within the bulk POC pool. The fraction POCpetro contribution was highest in the heavily glacierized watershed (age-weight percent: 0.39 ± 0.05; dual isotope: 0.42 (0.37–0.47)), demonstrating a glacial source of POCpetro to fjords. POCpetro was mobilized via glacier melt and subglacial flow, while POCbio was largely flushed from the non-glacierized landscape by rain. Flow normalized POCbio concentrations exceeded POCpetro concentrations for all streams, but surprisingly were highest in the heavily glacierized watershed (mean: 0.70 mgL−1; range 0.16–1.41 mgL−1), suggesting that glacier rivers can contribute substantial POCbio to coastal waters. Further, the most heavily glacierized watershed had the highest sediment concentration (207 mgL−1; 7–708 mgL−1), and thus may facilitate long-term POCbio protection via sediment burial in glacier-dominated fjords. Our results suggest that continuing glacial retreat will decrease POC concentrations and increase POCbio:POCpetro exported from currently glacierized watersheds. Glacier retreat may thus decrease carbon storage in marine sediments and provide a positive feedback mechanism to climate change that is sensitive to future changes in POCpetro oxidation.
Trees in the stream: Determining patterns of terrestrial dissolved organic matter contributions to the Northeast Pacific Coastal Temperate RainforestDissolved organic matter (DOM) composition in small watersheds depends on complex antecedent conditions that ultimately influence DOM generation, processing, and stability downstream. Here, we used ultrahigh resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and total dissolved nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon concentrations to investigate how DOM is produced in distinct sub-catchment types (poor fen, forested wetland, and upland forest) and transported through a watershed in the northeast Pacific coastal temperate rainforest (NPCTR). We traced a suite of previously identified source-specific marker formulae from vegetation and soil downstream and used them to test models of terrestrial DOM inputs. Marker formulae escaped microbial degradation and were exported from the watershed, demonstrating strong land-to-ocean connectivity through the transfer of unmodified tree DOM from specific tree species into the marine environment. Simple hydrologic and temperature variables were better able to predict inputs of soil-sourced DOM into the stream network than tree-sourced DOM, highlighting the role of antecedent conditions (e.g., plant growth stage) in DOM source availability and hydrologic flow connectivity, particularly for plant-derived material. Forested wetland pore waters featured thousands of nitrogen-containing molecular formulae that potentially provide a path of direct organic nitrogen uptake to organisms. The modified aromaticity index peaked in midsummer (up to 0.55 for fen headwaters) suggesting DOM inputs from freshly produced vegetation provide a strong summertime terrestrial signal. As the climate changes, new watershed-scale conditions may further complicate predictions of DOM source availability, flow connectivity, and downstream fate in NPCTR watersheds.
Glacier runoff influences biogeochemistry and resource availabilityin coastal temperate rainforest streams: Implications for juvenile salmon growthMeltwater contributions to watersheds are shrinking as glaciers disappear, altering theflow, temperature, andbiogeochemistry of freshwaters. A potential consequence of this landscape change is that streamflow patternswithin glacierized watersheds will become more homogenous, potentially altering the capacity of watersheds tosupport Pacific salmon. To assess heterogeneity in stream habitat quality for juvenile salmon in a watershed inthe Alaska Coast Mountains, we collected organic matter and invertebrate drift and measured streamwater phys-ical and biogeochemical properties over the main runoff season in two adjacent tributaries, one fed mainly byrain and the other partially by glacier ice/snowmelt. We then used bioenergetic modeling to evaluate how tem-poral patterns in water temperature and invertebrate drift in each tributary influence juvenile salmon growthpotential. Across the study period, average invertebrate drift concentrations were similar in non-glacierizedMontana (0.33 mg m 3) and glacier-influenced McGinnis Creeks (0.38 mg m 3). However, seasonal patterns ofinvertebrate drift were temporally asynchronous between the two streams. Invertebrate drift and modeledfishgrowth were generally higher in McGinnis Creek in the spring and Montana Creek in the Summer. For juvenilesalmon, tracking these resource asynchronies by moving between tributaries resulted in 20% greater growththan could be obtained within either stream alone. These results suggest that hydrologic heterogeneity withinwatersheds may enhance the diversity of foraging and growth opportunities for mobile aquatic organisms,which may be essential for supporting productive and resilient natural salmon runs.
From canopy to consumer: what makes and modifies terrestrial DOM in a temperate forestTo investigate how source and processing control the composition of “terrestrial” dissolved organic matter (DOM), we combine soil and tree leachates, tree DOM, laboratory bioincubations, and ultrahigh resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry in three common landscape types (upland forest, forested wetland, and poor fen) of Southeast Alaska’s temperate rainforest. Tree (Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis) needles and bark and soil layers from each site were leached, and tree stemflow and throughfall collected to examine DOM sources. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations were as high as 167 mg CL−1 for tree DOM, suggesting tree DOM fluxes may be substantial given the hypermaritime climate of the region. Condensed aromatics contributed as much as 38% relative abundance of spruce and hemlock bark leachates suggesting coniferous trees are potential sources of condensed aromatics to surface waters. Soil leachates showed soil wetness dictates DOM composition and processing, with wetland soils producing more aromatic formulae and allowing the preservation of traditionally biolabile, aliphatic formulae. Biodegradation impacted soil and tree DOM differently, and though the majority of source-specific marker formulae were consumed for all sources, some marker formulae persisted. Tree DOM was highly biolabile (> 50%) and showed compositional convergence where processing homogenized DOM from different tree sources. In contrast, wetland and upland soil leachate DOM composition diverged and processing diversified DOM from different soil sources during bioincubations. Increasing precipitation intensity predicted with climate change in Southeast Alaska will increase tree leaching and soil DOM flushing, tightening linkages between terrestrial sources and DOM export to the coastal ocean.
Climate-Mediated Changes to Linked Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems across the Northeast Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest MarginCoastal margins are important areas of materials flux that link terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Consequently, climate-mediated changes to coastal terrestrial ecosystems and hydrologic regimes have high potential to influence nearshore ocean chemistry and food web dynamics. Research from tightly coupled, high-flux coastal ecosystems can advance understanding of terrestrial–marine links and climate sensitivities more generally. In the present article, we use the northeast Pacific coastal temperate rainforest as a model system to evaluate such links. We focus on key above- and belowground production and hydrological transport processes that control the land-to-ocean flow of materials and their influence on nearshore marine ecosystems. We evaluate how these connections may be altered by global climate change and we identify knowledge gaps in our understanding of the source, transport, and fate of terrestrial materials along this coastal margin. Finally, we propose five priority research themes in this region that are relevant for understanding coastal ecosystem links more broadly.
Dissolved organic matter in wetland soils and streams of Southeast Alaska: Source, Concentration, and Chemical QualityDissolved organic matter (DOM) transported from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems is an important source of C, N and energy for the metabolism of aquatic heterotrophic bacteria. I examined the concentration and chemical quality of DOM exported from coastal temperate watersheds in southeast Alaska to determine if wetland soils are an important source of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) to aquatic ecosystems. I addressed this question through a combination of high resolution temporal and spatial field measurements in three watersheds near Juneau, Alaska by using a replicated experimental design that characterized DOM export from three different soil types (bog, forested wetland and upland forest) within each of the watersheds. PARAFAC modeling of fluorescence excitation-emission spectroscopy and BDOC incubations were used to evaluate the chemical quality and lability of DOM. Overall, my findings show that wetland soils contribute substantial biodegradable DOM to streams and the response in BDOC delivery to streams changes seasonally, with soil type, and during episodic events such as stormflows. In particular, the chemical quality of DOM in streamwater and soil solution was similar during the spring runoff and fall wet season, as demonstrated by the similar contribution of protein-like fluorescence in soil solution and in streams. These findings indicate a tight coupling between wetland DOM source pools and streams is responsible for the export of BDOC from terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, seasonal changes in soil-stream linkages can have a major influence on watershed biogeochemistry with important implications for stream metabolism and the delivery of labile DOM to coastal ecosystems. Soil DOM additions in small streams draining the three soil types showed that DOM leached from watershed soils is readily used as a substrate by stream heterotrophs and at the same time modified in composition by the selective degradation of the proteinaceous fraction of DOM. These findings indicate terrestrial DOM inputs to streams are an important source of C to support stream heterotrophic production. Thus, the production of protein-rich, labile DOM and subsequent loss in stream runoff has the potential to be an important loss of C and N from coastal temperate watersheds.