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dc.contributor.authorPing, Chien-Lu
dc.contributor.authorKaija, Kevin J.
dc.identifier.citationPing, Chien-Lu, and Kevin J. Kaija. "Characteristics and Fertility Status of Soils and Minesoils in Selected Areas of Usibelli Coal Mine, Healy, Alaska." Bulletin 66 (1989).en_US
dc.description.abstractAlaska has been proven to contain not only bountiful oil and gas reserves. but also vast coal fields occurring from the southcentral coastline to the Interior and the Arctic zone to the north. Because of concerns for stable sources of energy, particularly by the energy-short, industrial nations of the Orient, more exploration and stripmining for coal can be expected in the near future. Therefore, it is important to know the consequences of large-area soil disturbances tn the subarctic and bow the effects of man's reclamation efforts and natural processes combine in reestablishing vegetative community. The culmination or synthesis of these processes is soil development and is of great importance in successful stripmine reclamation. The Usibelli Coal Mine Company in the Healy coal field, located in Interior Alaska. commenced stripmining in 1943. Its operation has been continuous, moving from area to area, for the last 40 years. Stripmining requires the excavation of overburden and subsequent redeposition, therefore the Healy operation has exposed minespoils from different strata on various topography. In 1972, the Usibelli Coal Mine company initiated a reclamation program and, over the ensuing l0 years, has seeded and fertilized over 2000 acres. Nevertheless, there remain barren areas and areas undergoing natural revegetation. Additionally, experimental trials in seeding and fertilization were started in 1980. Large areas of intact native plant communities adjoin the mined areas. The company property provides opportunities to study the processes of soil formation under different sets of conditions. The objectives of this study were to (1) characterize the soils on the mine lease area for baseline data, (2) to characterize the mine soils with various history, (3) to study the process of soil formation under different sets of conditions, and (4) to evaluate the nutrient levels of both soil and minesoils to form a basis for establishing soil-handling requirements to promote reclamation practices.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was supported by funds from the U.S. Department of Energy (AM06-76RL02229) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Hatch project. Our appreciation to Drs. W.M. Mitchell. G.A. Mitchell. and F. Wooding of the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. and Mr. J.P. Moore of USDA Son Conservation Service for reviewing the manuscript and offering many useful suggestions. Our appreciation also to Dr. Milton A. Wiltse of Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. Department of Natural Resources for access to the X-ray diffractometer and technical advice. Special thanks to the Usibelli Coal Mine Inc. for logistic and technical assistance tn carrying out this study.en_US
dc.publisherSchool of Agriculture and Land Resources Management, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Stationen_US
dc.subjectCoal minesen_US
dc.titleCharacteristics and Fertility Status of Soils and Minesoils in Selected Areas of Usibelli Coal Mine, Healy, Alaskaen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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