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dc.contributor.authorMartin, A.H.
dc.contributor.authorPearson, Heidi C.
dc.contributor.authorSaba, G.K.
dc.contributor.authorOlsen, E.M.
dc.identifier.citationMartin AH, Pearson HC, Saba GK, Olsen EM. Integral functions of marine vertebrates in the ocean carbon cycle and climate change mitigation. One Earth. 2021 May 21;4(5):680-93.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the last decade, the ocean has absorbed a quarter of the Earth’s greenhouse gas emissions through the carbon (C) cycle, a naturally occurring process. Aspects of the ocean C cycle are now being incorporated into climate change mitigation and adaptation plans. Currently, too little is known about marine vertebrate C functions for their inclusion in policies. Fortunately, marine vertebrate biology, behavior, and ecology through the lens of C and nutrient cycling and flux is an emerging area of research that is rich in existing data. This review uses literature and trusted data sources to describe marine vertebrate C interactions, provides quantification where possible, and highlights knowledge gaps. Implications of better understanding the integral functions of marine vertebrates in the ocean C cycle include the need for consideration of these functions both in policies on nature-based climate change mitigation and adaptation, and in management of marine vertebrate populations.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThank you to the anonymous reviewers whose insightful suggestions greatly improved the manuscript. Thank you to Thomas Eikeland Fiska˚ at the University of Agder for his work on the conceptual figures and to Dr. Marion Martin and Dr. Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen for helpful discussions throughout the preparation of the manuscript. Thanks also to Corallie Hunt for comments and advice during the early stages of the manuscript preparation. E.M.O. received support from the Marine Science program within the Research Council of Norway, grant no. 294926 (CODSIZE). H.C.P. was supported by Fulbright Norway, GRID-Arendal, and the University of Alaska Southeast.en_US
dc.publisherCell Pressen_US
dc.subjectGreenhouse gas emissionsen_US
dc.subjectCarbon cycleen_US
dc.subjectMarine vertebratesen_US
dc.subjectOcean C cycleen_US
dc.titleIntegral functions of marine vertebrates in the ocean carbon cycle and climate change mitigationen_US
dc.identifier.journalOne Earthen_US

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