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dc.contributor.authorGarcia, Gabriel
dc.contributor.authorMapaye, Joy
dc.contributor.authorVan Wyck, Rebecca
dc.contributor.authorCueva, Katie
dc.contributor.authorSnyder, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorMeyer, Jennifer
dc.contributor.authorMiller, Jenny
dc.contributor.authorHennessy, Thomas
dc.description.abstractA panel survey of 309 Municipality of Anchorage residents was conducted via phone June 2-4, 2020. This survey was a follow-up to both a representative survey conducted May 6-10 and a panel survey conducted May 20-22. Although most Anchorage businesses have opened, the second panel survey showed that: • Most respondents (64%) did NOT have physical contact with people not in their household. • Most (70%) wore a mask most or all of the time outside their home. • Most reported being not worried or only slightly worried in many aspects of their life, having good or very good morale in their household (70%), and having low or moderate stress in their household (62%). • Perceived threat of COVID-19 significantly increased from the second to third survey. COVID-related risk behaviors remained high for certain groups including men, younger people (<45 years), those who identified as Republican, and those with children. These groups had lower perceived threat of COVID-19, lower knowledge of the COVID mandates and MOA Emergency Orders, and lower level of clarity regarding Municipality policies related to COVID compared to their counterparts. However, caution should be taken when interpreting findings related to political affiliation given that it is a complex concept that may be an indicator for other factors, including individuals’ ideology, which was not asked about in the survey. These findings mirror national research showing that ideological and political differences may play a role in perceptions and behaviors related to COVID-199 . In order to help increase perceived threat of the virus and decrease COVID-related risk behaviors, messaging from those in the same ideological and political group could help with receptiveness of the message. KEY RECOMMENDATION: Messaging as a whole should continue to focus on the continued threat of COVID-19, personal responsibility to reduce risk, and Alaskans’ ability to succeed in defeating the virus.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Alaska Anchorageen_US
dc.subjectrisk managementen_US
dc.subjectmask useen_US
dc.titleSecond COVID-19 Panel Survey in the Municipality of Anchorage: Highlightsen_US

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