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dc.contributor.authorNaciuk, Anthony
dc.descriptionA Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Project Managementen_US
dc.description.abstractThis project conducted a feasibility assessment to determine whether it is feasible to implement new trails at Arctic Valley. This assessment was executed by reviewing literature, collecting primary and secondary data, organizing data into tables, maps, interview logs, and documents. The data was analyzed and presented in summary reports elaborating on data collected, analysis performed, and findings. Findings were organized into six product packages for knowledge transfer to Anchorage Ski Club (ASC). These included a Stakeholder Feedback Report, Historical Infrastructure Analysis Report, Literature Review, Chugach State Park Regulation Change Process Model, Trail Mapping and Models Analysis, and Feasibility Assessment Report. Upon conclusion of the research and reports, the feasibility of trails implementation was affirmed. It is tenable to build trails within ASC’s Concession Contract area in accordance with regulatory guidelines, modern trail construction best practices, and ASC’s financial capabilities. The data collected, analysis performed, and products created were transferred to the project sponsor and advisory committee. ASC was recommended to utilize the results conveyed and perform alternatives analysis of their proposed projects and investment opportunities.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Alaska Anchorageen_US
dc.subjectconcession contracten_US
dc.subjectcross country bikeen_US
dc.subjectdownhill bikeen_US
dc.subjectfat bikeen_US
dc.subjecthistorical infrastructureen_US
dc.subjectsocial trailsen_US
dc.subjecttrail management planen_US
dc.titleArctic Valley Trails Feasibility Assessment and Master Planning Supporten_US
dc.typeMaster's Projecten_US

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