Now showing items 1-20 of 527

    • Seismic site response, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and impact of seasonal frost on pile foundations in cold regions

      Zhao, Yue; Yang, Zhaohui (Joey); Ahn, Il-Sang; Dutta, Utpal; Shur, Yuri (2024-12)
      Permafrost sites are experiencing significant changes due to anthropogenic activities and climate change, leading to substantial variations in soil dynamic properties and increased seismic risks. The associated geohazards, including differential settlement, slope instability, and liquefaction of degraded, unconsolidated materials in seismically active warm permafrost regions, pose substantial threats to the built infrastructure. This study aims to assess the seismic site response of warm permafrost sites and analyze the impact of seasonal frost on liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and pile foundation behavior in cold regions. Northway Airport, Alaska, was used as the study site to characterize permafrost conditions, while the Slana River site and the newly constructed bridge along the Tok Cut-Off were selected as the prototype for investigating liquefaction-induced lateral spread and its impact on pile foundations. Geophysical testing methods, including Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectra Ratio (HVSR) method of ambient noise, and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), were used to map the shear wave velocity profiles. A one-dimensional equivalent linear analysis assesses site response across multiple seismic hazard levels, accounting for frozen and thawed conditions. Meanwhile, a three-dimensional finite element modeling approach, i.e., OpenSees, simulates ground liquefaction and the interactions between pile foundations and liquefiable soils under varying conditions of seasonal frost depth and soil properties. The results from this study show that, in degraded permafrost areas, changes in shear wave velocity (Vs) due to thawing significantly influence ground motion characteristics during seismic events. Seasonal frost depth and soil permeability emerged as critical factors in affecting liquefaction-induced lateral ground spreading, with lower soil permeability and greater frost thickness increasing liquefaction susceptibility and resulting in a larger amount of ground lateral spread. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that seasonal frost can substantially reduce ground lateral spreading. However, it can also increase internal forces such as shear force and bending moment in bridge pile foundations and form additional plastic hinges, complicating the seismic design of deep foundations. These findings highlight the need to understand comprehensively permafrost degradation-induced changes in soil dynamic properties in cold regions. This study proposes a framework for assessing permafrost degradation's impact on the seismic site response. It offers new insights for engineers and policymakers to develop effective strategies for constructing and retrofitting resilient infrastructure and mitigating the hazards in seismically active cold regions.
    • Extraction of rare earth elements from coal ash using supercritical CO₂

      Veerla, Uthej; Fan, Long; Ghosh, Tathagata; Arya, Sampurna (2024-12)
      The increasing demand for rare earth elements (REEs) as critical components in modern technologies has led to growing interest in their efficient recovery from alternative sources. Coal ash, a waste product generated from coal combustion, has been identified as a potential reservoir of valuable REEs with reported REE concentrations varying between 270 and 1480 ppm. In this research paper, we investigate the recovery of REEs from three coal ashes: anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous using environmentally benign supercritical fluid (SCF) carbon dioxide (CO2). Additionally, the effect of tributyl phosphate (TBP) and nitric acid (HNO3) as complexing agents is explored to enhance the extraction efficiency. The advantage of this option over conventional solvent extraction methods includes minimization of liquid waste generation, solute separation, and rapid reaction rates. Supercritical fluids (SCFs) can penetrate and transport solutes from different matrices due to its high diffusivity, low viscosity, and liquid-like solvating. CO2 provides a good option as an efficient solvent since it has the benefit of being easy to obtain and has a medium critical constant (Tc = 31.1oC and Pc = 7.38 MPa), as compared to other solvents. Additionally, CO2 is inert and stable (chemically and radio chemically), inexpensive, easy to supply at high purity, and it is environmentally friendly and widely used. The experimental work involved the optimization of process parameters, including temperature, pressure, and solvent-to-solid ratio, to ensure maximum REE recovery while minimizing environmental impact. The optimum extraction conditions for anthracite ash were determined to be 60°C, 1100 psi, 120 minutes residence time, 250 rpm agitation rate, solid to chelating agent ratio 1:10 and TBP to HNO3 ratio 1:1, with corresponding 80% extraction efficiency which is 230 ppm. The optimum extraction conditions for bituminous ash were determined to be 60°C, 1100 psi, 120 minutes residence time, 250 rpm agitation rate, solid to chelating agent ratio 1:10 and TBP to HNO3 ratio 1:1, with corresponding 49% extraction efficiency which is 290 ppm. The optimum extraction conditions for sub-bituminous ash were determined to be 60°C, 1835 psi, 120 minutes residence time, 250 rpm agitation rate, solid to chelating agent ratio 1:10 and TBP to HNO3 ratio 1:2, with corresponding 58% extraction efficiency which is 149 ppm.
    • Identification and future susceptibility of permafrost degradation near Red Dog Mine

      Hanna, Caitlynn Tautuk; Ahn, Il-Sang; Nicolsky, Dmitry; Iwahana, Go; Bray, Matthew; Zwieback, Simon (2024-12)
      Permafrost degradation is a major concern in the Arctic region, and its impacts on infrastructure, ecosystems, and global climate are significant. Within recent years, 2018 to present, the level of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) has been elevated in Ikalukrok Creek in Northwest Alaska, made evident by creek discolorations known as river rusting. The current analyses indicate that changes in permafrost regimes can trigger the observed rise in TDS. Data visualization, remote sensing, and permafrost modeling were used to understand the physical mechanisms involved in the increase of TDS and to identify regions susceptible to permafrost degradation. This comprehensive approach integrates various datasets to capture the spatiotemporal characteristics of talik formation near Ikalukrok Creek. The permafrost models incorporate a variety of data such as soil temperature, soil type, vegetation, snow cover, and topography. Spatially distributed 1-D models utilize vegetation as a proxy to parameterize ground thermal properties. All models are validated using ground temperature measurements. The study aims to investigate the correlation between changes in TDS and climatic factors, particularly how variations in air temperature influence TDS concentrations in river water. Additionally, it seeks to understand the mechanisms driving river rusting, monitor hydrological and permafrost changes using remote sensing and modeling. By utilizing remote sensing images, it is possible to identify and map the visual extent of river rusting and to investigate the relationship between river rusting concentration, climatic events, and talik formation. This study presents a better understanding of the factors driving talik formation and the increase of TDS. Understanding talik formation and increases in TDS is critical for the mitigation of pollution in the environment. This research provides a foundation for other researchers to build upon, as we learn more about river rusting, it is hoped that policymakers will be able to utilize this information or similar insights.
    • Modeling rate of penetration in a south Texas oil field with aggregated well data in a supercomputing framework

      Golden, Timothy B.; Awoleke, Obadare; Das, Arghya; Goddard, Scott; Mattiolli, Brandon (2024-12)
      The objective of this work is to develop an accurate and practical tool for drilling engineers supporting operations to predict rate of penetration (ROP) in the tangent section of the wellbore using easily obtainable data. Historically, tacit knowledge has been used to predict both ROP and the ideal parameters. Such a tool is valuable for planners seeking to adjust rig schedules. Further, this tool could easily be modified to also optimize parameters. This work was comprised of two major efforts: data acquisition and wrangling, and modeling. Data was obtained from three distinct sources: well files, drilling logs, and survey logs. Data on bit geometry or formation was not available. This data was manually downloaded and imported into Python. Due to the size of the data, a university-owned high-performance computer (HPC) was required to process the data. Special care was given to optimizing for memory efficiencies that allowed the HPC to perform these operations. A test data set of 5 wells was used to pilot the data wrangling process and initial linear regression models. Four different model types were produced and evaluated: linear regression, polynomial regression, nonlinear regression, and neural networks. Neural networks provided the best prediction with a R2 of 0.85. The most important variables affecting ROP in the tangent section in descending order are: total pump output, rotary speed, hook load, differential pressure, and bit type. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest dataset of ROP data found in literature; containing over 350 wells and 30 million rows of data. This workflow can be adopted to create other field-specific models or adapted to evaluate other sections of the wellbore. More immediately, this work creates a large database ready to be utilized for developing other models undergirded by different computational methodologies.
    • Time series production forecasting and uncertainty quantification using probabilistic decline curve analysis and machine learning techniques for unconventional reservoirs

      Sachdev, Kapil Hari; Awoleke, Obadare; Das, Arghya; Goddard, Scott (2024-08)
      Researchers have long been engaged in the challenging task of production forecasting and uncertainty quantification, often by combining Decline Curve Analysis (DCA) models with Probabilistic algorithms. Also, deep-learning approaches have been explored for production forecasting. In this work, we present the application of three probabilistic algorithms combined with various deterministic DCA models. We have also applied two machine learning (deep learning) algorithms for production forecasting and uncertainty quantification. Finally, we have compared the results of ML algorithms with the probabilistic algorithms based on the obtained MAPE values to conclude whether probabilistic or ML algorithms are better for production forecasting. Our analysis commences with the utilization of three probabilistic algorithms, namely Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), Conventional Bootstrap (CBM), and Modified Bootstrap methods (MBM). Each algorithm was integrated with three deterministic DCA models: Arps, Duong, and Logarithmic Growth Analysis (LGA). We then harnessed the power of machine learning (ML) algorithms called long-short-term memory (LSTM) and Transformer neural networks. The hyperparameters for the LSTM algorithm were chosen using Bayesian Optimization. We conducted a comprehensive study on 400 gas wells from the Marcellus Unconventional shale basin, evaluating LSTM, Transformer, and each probabilistic-DCA combination. Our hindcasting, which employed 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months of historical production data (hind-casts) to forecast up to 96 months, yielded forecasts that are essentially 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles, providing the P10, P50, and P90 estimates, respectively. These estimates, which we refer to as uncertainty bands, vividly demonstrate uncertainty quantification as we progress from 12-60 months of hind-casts. In simple words, as we increase the use of historical data from 12 to 60 months, the P10 and P90 bands tighten, depicting that uncertainty decreases in the forecasts. Furthermore, we present the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) for each probabilistic algorithm-DCA combination and LSTM algorithm for each hind-cast length for comprehensive comparison and conclusive insights. Our findings are helpful and should inspire confidence in the potential of ML algorithms for production forecasting and uncertainty quantification. We demonstrate the superior performance of both ML algorithms (LSTM and Transformers), particularly for 12 to 36 months of hind-cast for MAPE values and uncertainty bands. The compression of uncertainty bands with increasing hind-cast lengths indicates a decrease in uncertainty as production history increases; a promising result. Furthermore, the MAPE value decreases as we extend the hind-cast period from 12 to 60 months, suggesting improved accuracy with longer hind-casts. The uniqueness of this work is in the comparison of the ML algorithms (Transformers and LSTM) with the probabilistic DCA approach as discussed above. Also, the proportionality scaling function (PSF) that is introduced in this work allows the analyst to be able to capture the uncertainty associated with machine learning forecasts in a relatively simple manner.
    • Sound attenuation of air entrainment devices with hybrid acoustic silencer

      Nelson, Tad; Chen, Cheng-fu; Peterson, Rorik; Ray, Dustin (2024-08)
      The sound from operating traditional medical ventilators have been found to exceed recommended sound levels. This thesis addresses the sound attenuation by numerically studying the feasibility of an integrated ventilation system that connects a medical Venturi device serially to a slit-type Helmholtz resonator (SHR) embedded with an optional micro-perforated panel (MPP), with the goal of preserving ventilation while attenuating any undesired noise in the audible range. Compared with a base SHR model, the SHR embedded with a 0.9-mm-pored MPP exhibits an improved broadband transmission loss (TL) by 4 dB but without any adverse influence on the ventilation. Through finite element acoustic and flow simulations, the results also exhibit apparent nonlinearity in the integrated ventilation system. Further research should be conducted to experimentally validate the results found and improve on the design by addressing other flow rates and ventilation methods.
    • Heat transfer techniques in large-scale hydrogen storage using metal hydride materials

      Thomas, Seth A.; Kim, Sunwoo; Peterson, Rorik; Huang, Daisy (2024-05)
      One of the methods being investigated for storing hydrogen is the use of metal hydride materials. Metal hydrides are able to absorb and release hydrogen, giving them a wide range of potential applications for hydrogen storage. These materials are generally considered to be safe, stable, reusable, and are able to store and release hydrogen at lower pressures and near ambient temperatures. Despite these benefits, there are still existing limitations that hinder their widespread applicability. One of the main issues presented is the necessity for effective heat removal during the absorption process. When hydrogen is being absorbed by the metal hydride material, a large amount of heat is generated, which must be efficiently removed from the metal hydride reactor in order to achieve reasonable charging times. The first section of this thesis investigates the existing methods that have been proposed and studied for heat removal during this process. Some of these methods include the use of embedded cooling tubes, external water jackets, phase change materials, and high thermal conductivity additives. A method to characterize each type of reactor is also introduced in this section, based on certain parameters, which include characteristic length, mass of metal hydride material stored, mass of hydrogen stored, and cooling time. The following section simulates cooling times for two proposed large-scale shell-and-tube metal hydride reactors. The first reactor tested has embedded cooling tubes and metal hydride powder packed into the shell side. It was found that the absorption process could be completed in 1500-2000 s, depending on the tube bundle configuration. Additionally, a large hydrogen supply pressure (30 bar) was needed for reasonable reaction times to be achieved. The other reactor packed embedded tubes with annular metal hydride pellets, with the cooling fluid passing through the shell side of the reactor. This type of reactor showed a promising cooling time of 430 s with a hydrogen supply pressure of 10 bar. This type of reactor was more limited though by the percent volume that could be occupied by metal hydride material.
    • CO₂ transport at a supercritical state: Nikiski, Alaska pipeline study and cost analysis

      Ophoff, Mike; Chen, Cheng-fu; Zhang, Yin; Paskvan, Frank; Nguele, Ronald (2024-05)
      CO₂ in the supercritical state is suitable for long-distance transportation because of the denser flowing fluid, almost the same density as liquid CO₂ but has lower viscosity and surface tension. Albeit this well-known principle, it is nontrivial to implement a scheme for single-phase, supercritical CO₂ transportation on a given pipeline. As the pressure and temperature are the major state variables governing the state of the transported CO₂, the state of the fluid is determined by a complex interaction among the key parameters: the inner diameter, insulation material, inlet pressure and temperature, and the boundary conditions (including the ambient temperature and inner pipeline wall roughness) of the pipeline; the mass flow rate and distance of transportation. This paper applies the PIPESIM software, with MATLAB for auxiliary calculations, to illustrate a parametric study of the supercritical CO₂ transportation over a 10.618-mile (17,080 m) long model pipeline connecting from Nikiski to the Osprey platform in the Redoubt oil field in Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA. This study aims to understand the limitations and optimize transportation efficiency while maintaining the supercritical state of transported CO₂ throughout the pipeline. With the geographic location, elevation profile of the pipeline, and the ambient conditions considered in the simulations, we calculate the pressure and temperature profiles, erosion kinetics, and the fluid state in the combinatorial set of various diameters, inlet pressures, and temperatures of the pipeline and the mass flow rates of the transported fluid. The major findings are that a larger pressure loss will be expected in better-insulated pipelines because of the warmer transported CO₂ that flows faster. Turbulent flows will be more likely to occur in transportation through pipelines of smaller diameters and will impact on possible change from the supercritical state to the two-phase state. The parametric modeling results offer a scenario-driven approach to determine the optimal range of mass flow rates, pipeline inner diameters, and inlet pressures. A cost analysis was conducted for the construction and operating expenditures of pipelines over a 20-year lifetime span. We highlight the trade-offs between maintaining supercritical conditions, minimizing heat loss, and increasing financial viability for efficient transportation.
    • Analyzing vegetation effects on snow depth variability in the Caribou Poker Creeks Research Watershed, Alaska

      May, Lora Dawn; Stuefer, Svetlana; Goddard, Scott; Panda, Santosh; Barnes, David (2024-05)
      Seasonal snowpack plays a critical role in hydrologic and ecologic processes. In boreal forest regions snow depth is known to be markedly different across land cover types. Identifying the vegetation metrics responsible for possible snow depth and snow water equivalent (SWE) spatial variability continues to be a challenge. Airborne lidar has advanced our understanding of links between forest snow distribution and vegetation impacts. This study analyzes high resolution (0.5 meter) lidar data sets acquired during NASA's SnowEx field campaign in Alaska and compares them statistically across the vegetation metrics of land cover class and lidar-derived canopy height. Airborne lidar data was collected for a boreal forest site, the Caribou Poker Creeks Research Watershed (CPCRW), during snow-off and peak snow-on accumulation in March of 2022 and May of 2023. Lidar snow depth (98 ± 15 cm) and canopy height maps, both at 0.5 m resolution, were created from lidar data sets. Lidar snow depth and canopy height maps were resampled to 1.5 m resolution to account for spatial autocorrelation. A total of 85.9 million lidar snow depth and canopy height values were available for this study. Three subsets totaling 6.1 million snow depths and canopy heights were processed to run the analysis. A USGS National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2016 map of Alaska was used to determine land cover classes. Extensive in situ field snow depth measurements were collected concurrently with the peak snow-on lidar survey and were used to validate lidar accuracy. Analysis results from the three subsets showed statistically significant differences in median snow depths for all land cover classes and canopy height (p < 2.2e-16). Statistical comparison within land cover classes showed the largest significant difference in snow depths between shrub and deciduous forest (6-15 cm) and shrub and wetlands (7-14 cm). For canopy height classes, forest and treeless (12-14 cm) and forest and shrub/short stature trees (SSS) (8-14 cm) had snow depths that were significantly different. This thesis will further summarize results on quantifying snow depth variability between land cover and canopy height classes within boreal forests using NASA SnowEx Alaska data.
    • Radiative emitter assisted space cooling in Alaska

      Magrath, Robert James; Kim, Sunwoo; Huang, Daisy; Peterson, Rorik (2024-05)
      The earth's changing climate is disproportionately affecting the Arctic and near-arctic regions of the world. Mechanical space cooling is becoming a common requirement to keep indoor spaces comfortable, but the energy required to cool these spaces often contributes further to the climate change causing their necessity. Passive heat emission to the vacuum of deep space with its temperature of 3 K can potentially improve the effectiveness of vapor compression air-conditioning by cooling the condenser to a temperature below the outside air dry bulb temperature, which is the limit for non-evaporative air cooling. This study applies a computer simulation to model cooling systems of three different capacities with two control regimes in Alaska's three largest cities. These cooling systems consist of an air conditioner with its condenser inside a thermal storage tank full of hydronic coolant. The coolant is then piped to an air-cooling convector and a radiative emitter with zone valves to control the flow of coolant so as not to gain energy from the environment. Each simulation was compared to an identical control system lacking a radiative emitter. The simulation models these systems over 120 days during the summer cooling season. Every simulated scenario showed energy savings ranging from 3.8% to 18.4% compared to a control system not fitted with a radiative emitter. This means the installation of a radiative emitter has the potential to save energy and money for any cooling system to which it is applied. The most savings were found in systems with a continuous cooling load, like datacenters and laundry facilities.
    • Implications of detachment promoting agents, disinfectants and flow hydraulics on growth and dispersion of bacterial biofilms in drinking water distribution systems

      Kabir, Fayzul; Aggarwal, Srijan; Perkins, Robert; Schiewer, Silke; Drown, Devin M. (2024-05)
      Biofilms in water distribution systems (WDS) can adversely affect the effluent water quality and structural integrity of pipes. Current disinfectants and flushing strategies often prove insufficient to mitigate biofilm growth. Long-term monitoring of biofilm growth under varied WDS flow and disinfection conditions is needed (and often overlooked) for improving biofilm management in the WDS. An alternative approach to counter biofilms in the WDS over the traditional approach of using antimicrobials is to target and weaken the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) instead of just the microorganisms in the biofilms - via the use of 'detachment promoting agents' (DPAs) to weaken the EPS matrix and cause biofilm dispersion. The growth of fresh biofilm and reattachment of biofilm flocs were investigated by time-lapse imaging in capillary flow cells under varying temperatures, fluid shear, and chlorine dosage. Biofilm disruption efficacy of potential DPAs was investigated for single and multi-species biofilms over varying durations (72 h - 4 months) and on different surfaces (e.g., glass, copper, stainless steel, cement, HDPE). The similar biofilm growth rates with non-chlorinated and 0.2 mg/L chlorine indicate the ineffectiveness of low chlorine dosages for biofilm inhibition. Substantial biofilm growth occurred despite using higher chlorine dosages (0.2-1 mg/L), demonstrating the disinfection resistance of microorganisms in biofilm and detached clusters. The enhanced initial biofilm growth kinetics in the reattachment systems compared to the fresh flow cell reactors indicates the significant role of existing biofilms (and likely their detached clusters) to stimulate biofilm growth in a newer WDS section. The lower reattachment rate at the early stage with hot water (50°C) increased over time likely due to interaction with a high residual chlorine dosage. Multi-species biofilms grown for both long and short duration showed higher resistance to DPA treatment. The maximum dispersal of single-species biofilms was achieved using the DPA agent EDTA (45 ± 32%). The highest observed protein in the effluent with EDTA treatment indicates the effectiveness of DPAs for weakening EPS. Sodium tripolyphosphate (STP) reduced 75% of biomass and half of biofilm thickness on HDPE coupons. However, the formation of disinfection by-products by STP treatment (0.32-0.67 mg/L bromoform) raises regulatory concerns for DBPs. The use of DPAs as anti-EPS agents for biofilm dispersal, rather than the traditional antimicrobial approach yielded promising results for different plumbing materials. Overall, the results from this study demonstrate the potential of non-invasive imaging-based research in understanding the growth mechanisms of biofilm in various flow conditions, highlighting the widespread application of online water monitoring systems. Overall, this research offers new insights and perspectives on the impact of fluid shear and disinfectants on biofilm growth and reattachment, as well as the implications of these processes for water safety and public health.
    • Multi-year water quality analysis of surface water from Yukon River watershed

      Hee, Harrison; Aggarwal, Srijan; Barnes, David; Guerard, Jennifer (2024-05)
      The Yukon River has been monitored for water quality by the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) for the ongoing Indigenous Observation Network (ION) project (NSF Award Number 1753389) since 2006. Other studies have dated back even further, allowing researchers to see trends in tested analytes over time. The newest available data obtained in recent years has allowed researchers to look at the Yukon River Basin (YRB) comparatively to previously assumed trends with larger sample sizes per year and in a more modern view with updated knowledge of the data collected. In addition to previously tested parameters (hardness, sulfate, and dissolved organic carbon), the ratio of stable isotopes ²H and ¹⁸O have been measured, adding a new dimension to analysis of Yukon River surface water. Research and analysis on trends of Yukon River surface water constituents are important for local communities living in the YRB that are dependent upon it for both direct and indirect subsistence. For more remote villages that do not have access to more rigorous methods of water treatment, it is imperative to understand how various constituents in the Yukon River are changing over time and how changes in specific analytes may affect them. This study presents data in a way that is easily digestible for local communities and shows current trends that may have effects in the future.
    • The role of APTES as a primer for polystyrene coated AA2024-T3

      Halford, John H. IV; Chen, Chen-fu; Peterson, Rorik; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jack (2024-05)
      (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) silane possesses one terminal amine group and three ethoxy groups extending from each silicon atom, acting as a crucial interface between organic and inorganic materials. In this study, after APTES was deposited on the aluminum alloy AA2024-T3 as a primer for an optional top coating with polystyrene (PS), its role with regard to stability as a protection layer and interaction with the topcoat were studied via combinatorial experimentation. The aluminum alloy samples primed with APTES under various durations of concentrated vapor deposition (20, 40, or 60 min) with an optional post heat treatment and/or PS topcoat were comparatively characterized via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and surface energy. The samples top-coated with PS on an APTES layer primed for 40 min with a post heat treatment revealed excellent performance regarding corrosion impedance. A primed APTES surface with higher surface energy accounted for this higher corrosion impedance. Based on the SEM images and the surface energy calculated from the measured contact angles on the APTES-primed surfaces, four mechanisms are suggested to explain that the good protection performance of the APTES/PS coating system can be attributed to the enhanced wettability of PS on the cured APTES primer with higher surface energy. The results also suggest that, in the early stages of exposure to the corrosion solution, a thinner APTES primer (deposited for 20 min) enhances protection against corrosion, which can be attributed to the hydrolytic stability and hydrolyzation/condensation of the soaked APTES and the dissolution of the naturally formed aluminum oxide pre-existing in the bare samples. An APTES primer subjected to additional heat treatment will increase the impedance of the coating system significantly. APTES, and silanes, in general, used as adherent agents or surface modifiers, have a wide range of potential applications in micro devices, as projected in the Discussion section.
    • Climate security and scale: climate change risk and security as an all-scales, all-of-society challenge

      Bennett, Alec; Boylan, Brandon; Carlson, Cameron; Webley, Peter; Bennett, Katrina (2024-05)
      Climate security as an emerging field of study seeks to connect the substantial security-related challenges faced under climate change, and the ways in which climate change re-prioritizes issues at all scales of governance, and throughout all parts of society. This dissertation explores these perspectives to better understand how climate security differs from past approaches in security, and how climate change requires new paradigms to consider local, national, regional, and international assessments on risk and security. Through three papers, this dissertation assesses local approaches toward shifts in natural hazards through computational modeling, explores regional and global governance challenges that generate ethical and security concerns through attempts to mitigate climate impacts via geoengineering, and identifies current limitations on risk and security dialogues, particularly where conflict and disasters intertwine. The final paper also proposes a new conceptual model to advance approaches on assessing critical failure, the limits of mutual aid, and the assessment of "just securitization" when a referent of analysis faces significant impacts from disruptive events. This dissertation connects these issues of scale and dimensions of security to present climate security as a deeply interconnected and widely impacting issue that requires common framing and dialogues to prioritize capacity and understand limitations of future adaptation.
    • Project management by the people, for the people, and of the people: context, challenges, and prospects for adoption of e-government tools to monitor execution of public infrastructure projects in Nigeria

      Afieroho, Peace; Xiyu, Zhou Thomas; Perkins, Roberts; Hoanca, Bogdan; Protasel, Greg (2024-05)
      An abundance of failed or abandoned public infrastructure projects contributes to Nigeria's poor quality of life and economic development. The project management process for public infrastructure projects in Nigeria is opaque to the public and has not benefited from active public stakeholder involvement. This study investigated from a public perspective, (i) factors driving the public to participate effectively, (ii) moderating effect of using e-government tools on the public's willingness to participate effectively, (iii) factors influencing the willingness of the public to adopt e-government tools and approaches to effectively participate, and (iv) current level of public participation in monitoring the execution of public infrastructure projects in Nigeria. Using questionnaire surveys and statistical analysis, the study found that the following conditions were required for active public participation to occur: (i) the public has access to and control of information on projects, (ii) the public has the power to control the agenda and influence decision making, (iii) structures are available for the public to engage with the project team and government on issues concerning public infrastructure projects, and (iv) adoption of e-government tools to public participation, as a moderating factor. It also found that, despite the low level of public infrastructure in Nigeria, the Nigerian public is ready and open to adopting e-government tools and platforms to participate in monitoring the execution of public infrastructure projects in Nigeria. This study presents new models for the participation of the public as a stakeholder group in project management. It recommends devolution of power to the public, creation of structures for public participation, enhancement of public access to information on projects, and deployment of e-government tools and approaches, such as having an interactive project website for the public to engage with the project team and government officials. This is anticipated to incentivize the Nigerian public as a stakeholder group to be more actively involved in public infrastructure project development.
    • Controlling dust concentration in a fan housing using settling chambers and water sprays

      Quevedo Delgado, Cristian Alonso; Arya, Sampurna N.; Ghosh, Tathagata; Fan, Long (2023-12)
      Dust generation is a consequence of various activities in the mining industry. The industry generates dust in quantities that can present occupational health hazard and equipment damage. A notable instance of equipment deterioration is the corrosion and erosion experienced by fan blades in underground mines. This thesis introduces settling chambers and water spray as feasible techniques commonly used for controlling dust in underground mine operations. The research aims to provide a low capital cost and maintenance-free system to capture the dust particles upwind of the main fan. The research focuses on an underground polymetallic mine in Peru, serving as a case study. It was conducted in two distinct phases. In the first phase, airflow data in the upcast shaft and the fan housing was collected from the collaborating mine in Peru. Subsequently, a 3D model of the shaft and the fan housing system was developed, and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of the airflow in the system was performed. The results of the CFD simulation were compared against the airflow data from the mine, and the CFD model was validated. The 3D model of the upcast shaft-fan housing system was adapted to incorporate the settling chamber, which underwent variations in shape, length, and hydraulic diameter, resulting in the creation of 18 modified models. For each model, CFD simulation was conducted in steady-state condition to establish flow in the computational domain, followed by transient-state simulations to replicate the behavior of dust and assess the settling chamber's efficiency in capturing dust particles with aerodynamic diameter ranging from 1 μm to 400 μm. Furthermore, Sensitivity analysis was performed to examine the effect of shape, length, hydraulic diameter, and airflow velocity on the capture efficiency of the settling chamber. Analysis of the simulation results indicated a significant dust reduction of up to 60%. The second phase of the research involved simulated the capture of dust using water spray system within a return entry. Different water spray nozzles, characterized by varying spray angles, velocities, and droplet sizes, were simulated to evaluate their impact on dust capture efficiency. The analysis of the results revealed that the system could achieve a dust capture efficiency of up to 60%.
    • Marine methane: sources and potential adverse effects

      Mahmuda, Sadia; Aggarwal, Srijan; Rea, Lorrie; Dev, Subhabrata (2023-12)
      Recently, there has been an increase in the occurrence of incidents involving spills of oil and natural gas, such as methane. The world experiences at least one major spill in each decade. An illustrative case is the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. This catastrophe resulted in the discharge of about 205.8 million gallons of oil and 225,000 metric tons of methane gas into the Gulf of Mexico. More recently, in 2022, the Nord Stream pipeline leak occurred, which was the largest single methane release ever recorded. It released up to 500K tons of methane underwater, a greenhouse gas with a significantly higher potency than carbon dioxide. Due to the Deepwater Horizon incident, mammals, sea turtles, birds, fish, and invertebrates were adversely affected and caused damage to the corals. More than 90 bird species died, and 1300 miles of shoreline became polluted. The fishing industry suffered a significant reduction. This study systematically reviewed the source and impact of methane in the marine environment, utilizing 271 peer-reviewed academic publications, eight non-peer-reviewed sources, and 44 online resources. In the marine environment, methane can come from various sources such as methane hydrate, methane seeps, pockmarks, mud volcanoes, microbial activities, and anthropogenic sources or human-induced activities. Sediment typically contains methane from methane seeps, methane hydrates, mud volcanoes, and microbial activity. In the water column, methane is produced from diffusion from hydrates, seeps, hydrothermal vents, and thermogenic and anthropogenic sources. On the other hand, air-water interface methane comes from the atmospheric exchange or diffusion from the water column or sediment. In marine water, methane undergoes various reactions. Methane reacts with oxygen, producing carbon dioxide in aerobic conditions. Conversely, in anaerobic conditions, methane is anaerobically oxidized, coupling with sulfate reduction mediating by sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanotrophic archaea. These microorganisms, bacteria, and archaea derive the majority of their carbon and energy from methane, and they can proliferate their number where they find excess methane. However, excess methane can create anoxic conditions by reducing oxygen concentration. Invertebrates utilize methane through a symbiotic relationship with methane-consuming microorganisms. Moreover, the marine ecosystem exhibits complex interdependencies among the organisms and methane.
    • Biorecovery of rare earth elements from hard rock, extraction and analysis

      Kebe, Moustapha; Ghosh, Tathagata; Briggs, Brandon R.; Aggarwal, Srijan (2023-12)
      The advancement toward green energy, the development of precise weaponry, and the conquest of space have made the consumption of rare earth elements and critical elements supersede their production. Rare earth elements are vital and critical for modern technology. Rare earth elements consist of Scandium, Yttrium, and the fifteen elements in the Lanthanide group. These elements are mainly categorized into two types based on their atomic number: Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE) and Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE). The conventional methods of extracting economic rare earth elements are widely known, and these methods are found in abundance. However, considering the critical nature of rare earth elements, and the challenge to avoid environmental degradation, finding an alternate method of extracting rare earth elements that is both economically and eco-friendly is needed to overcome the disruption in demand and supply of these elements. One of the many potential methods of rare earth elements extraction is bioleaching or bio-recovery using bacteria, fungi, and archaea. This method has drawn the attention of several researchers in the quest for sustainable and feasible extraction techniques of rare earth elements and other critical elements (CEs). Bio-recovery or bioleaching as compared to physicochemical methods is considered one of the most promising techniques for recovering critical elements. A specific type of bacterial strain the Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 was incubated with rock samples from two distinct locations (North Pole Hills and the Prince of Wales Island) to recover rare earth elements. The experiment was performed under standardized conditions to ensure the reliability of the results. Three major parameters such as the process duration, particle size, and incubation period were tested to evaluate their impact on the recovery process. A total recovery of 30.85 ppb and 7.6 ppb at North Pole Hills and Prince of Wales Island, respectively. The process duration parameter was found to be irrelevant throughout the experiment and the effect of particle sizes ranging below 150 Mesh shows a positive response to the bio-recovery processes compared to particle sizes ranging between +-0.5mm. Maximum recovery was recorded with the samples from North Pole Hills compared to the samples from the Prince of Wales Island. The Bioleaching process was compared with the traditional acid leaching process, and a total of 291.73 ppb was recovered from the North Pole Hills and 107.75 ppb at the Prince of Wales Island. This experiment sets a road map to understand the microbial interaction on hard rock with varying sample sizes and process time.
    • Icy insights: decrypting the depths with novel stochastic techniques to model and mitigate Arctic under-ice oil spills

      Frazier, Kelsey A.; Peterson, Rorik; Kasper, Jeremy; Walsh, John Jr.; Webster, Melinda (2023-12)
      The retreat and thinning of Arctic sea ice, driven by climate change, have increased the potential for maritime navigation in the region, thereby heightening concerns about the environmental impacts of potential oil spills in the Arctic. This dissertation, with a focus on the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, seeks to develop a remote predictive method for assessing the subsurface features of Arctic sea ice, thereby facilitating rapid responses to Arctic oil spills without depending on time-consuming in situ measurements. The first paper of this dissertation addresses the need for oil spill modelers to understand oil movement along the subsurface of sea ice. Employing sonar data from the Chukchi Sea, the study investigates whether the subsurface topography of sea ice exhibits fractal scaling behavior. It was found that young sea ice exhibits multifractal scaling geometry, with parameters α, c1, and H determined as 1.2, 0.03, and 0.12, respectively. Fractal scaling behavior was not observed in other types of sea ice, highlighting the need for further research in this area. These findings are instrumental in enhancing predictive models for oil slick migration under sea ice, a crucial aspect of Arctic oil spill preparedness and mitigation. The dissertation's second paper analyzed five years of field data to determine the statistical distributions of subsurface features beneath various ice stages, using indirect assessment techniques. The analysis revealed that, with few exceptions, the subsurface features of sea ice predominantly follow lognormal distribution patterns, each characterized by distinct mean (mu) and standard deviation (sigma) values. This research represents a significant step forward in remote sea-ice characterization and is vital for formulating effective oil spill responses in the Arctic. The final paper utilized Arctic sea ice stage data, interpreted from satellite imagery, and sea ice draft data from moored sensors in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. This data was pivotal in accurately modeling the under-ice morphology, essential for establishing boundary conditions for realistic gravity-driven flow simulations. The study found that potential oil sequestration volumes could range from 30,000 to 1 million cubic meters per square kilometer, varying with the ice stage conditions. Additionally, the models suggest that under-ice morphology significantly influences oil slick movement, with only 20-40% of the ice surface encountering oil. This complexity highlights the intricate nature of Arctic oil spill cleanup and the potential for oil encapsulated in sea ice to cross international boundaries, emphasizing the need for comprehensive preparedness and international cooperation in Arctic oil spill response strategies.
    • Laboratory and field testing of the Knudsen bowl concentrator

      Mark Anthony, Michael Richard; Johansen, Nils I.; Walsh, Daniel E.; Bandopadhyay, Sukumar (1995-08)
      During 1985 and 1986 both laboratory and field test work were conducted to study the operating parameters of the Knudsen bowl concentrator. In the past, some miners have attempted to use these bowls in Alaska, but have not been able to operate them profitably, because of the lack of accurate operating information. This study carefully examined different operating parameters of the Knudsen bowl and their effect on bowl capacity and recovery of gold. The results of the laboratory study were field tested at EVECO’s placer gold operation near Fox, Alaska. The testing showed that for a continuous feed operation the recovery of 48x65 mesh gold decreases when the feed size is over 1/8 inch or the feed rate is over 2 cubic yards per hour. The Knudsen bowl's operating characteristics would make it a logical choice as a secondary concentrator.