Arctic and Northern Studies: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 106
Centering community and joy through co-production: tracking the seasonal changes of Utqiaġvik’s spring whalingUsing mixed methods and multimedia approaches, I investigated the multigenerational perspectives and seasonal changes in Utqiaġvik’s spring whaling. As an Iñupiaq living in my home community of Utqiaġvik, it was important to me to center my community’s knowledge and Iñupiaq-led entities. I used various tools and resources such as conducting semi-directed interviews, hiring a local Iñupiaq videographer to take photos and videos of spring whaling preparations, and using observational data from the Alaska Arctic Observatory and Knowledge Hub. The interviews, conversations with local Iñupiat-led entities and whalers, and the observational data guided my research goals and objectives and, more importantly, determined what key whaling events to research and analyze. Here, I am combining these techniques and resources to address the seasonal changes of our spring whaling key events (e.g., breaking trail) in the context of coastal Iñupiaq communities of northern Alaska and how we can use observations from our Indigenous Knowledge holders to inform scientists and managers of what is happening during spring whaling. In my research, science communication and community engagement occurred concurrently. Therefore, my thesis presents two chapters and a video project, all using excerpts from the interviews and footage and photos from museum archives and the videographer. The two main objectives of this research were communicating the observations of seasonal changes of Utqiaġvik’s spring whaling and centering Inupiat voices and resources. This research embodies significant Indigenous Knowledge and centers hunter and whaler experiences. As an Iñupiaq resident of Utqiaġvik, I hope the research will uplift Indigenous Knowledge and center it in decision-making. Indigenous Knowledge is critical for understanding change in the Arctic.
Testing nuclear power in Alaska: the reactor at Fort GreelySince WWII Alaska not only has been a major player in the defensive strategy of the United States, but it also has been considered an important military testing ground. This paper will advance the thesis that military operations are often detrimental and, indeed, hazardous to the resident population. Specifically, the SM-1A, a nuclear reactor the Army built at Fort Greely, Alaska in 1962, will be examined with emphasis on the fact that it was used to test nuclear energy production. Additionally, because of the discharge of low level radioactive waste into Jarvis Creek, which runs through Delta, there may be an abnormally high incidence of cancer within the nearby community. Furthermore, this is not an isolated case and other examples of nuclear tests will be presented as evidence.
Socio-historical construction and representation of space in the Schieffelin expeditionAmerica’s continental expansion tells a story of conquest coined by settlers and supported through natural resources that Indigenous peoples used sustainably since time immemorial. Exploratory prospecting ventures and their tools of achievement are at the forefront of bringing about change to these landscapes gazed upon by the rapacious nation. For prospectors like Edward Schieffelin, remote spaces, such as the interior of Alaska, exert a daring pull to strike it rich or find self-discovery in nature. Schieffelin’s expedition employed and introduced new technologies - the sternwheeler and dry plate photography, allowing for the integration of Alaska's interior into the nation's commercial mining endeavors and capturing the public imagination and collective effervescence. The party’s new means of transportation shaped the perception of the space by compressing space-time and enhancing trading opportunities while showcasing Tanana Athabascan's contributions to the local success of the steamship technology. Charles Farciot, the engineer and licensed pilot of the expedition, employed the new tool of photography in the interior - namely dry plate technology, that presented the party’s colonial lens to an audience in the contiguous states. Interpreted as displays of reality, the resulting images influenced settler attitudes and anticipatory geographies in helping to reinforce colonial and capitalist agendas while promoting a romanticized and often misleading view of the Alaskan interior. For Alaska’s historical records, the study uncovered the underappreciated contributions of the Schieffelin expedition in bringing Alaska into the nation's collective consciousness by contextualizing the technological advancements that facilitated the opening of this frontier.
Rabies management in the North, a one health problem in a systems theory frameworkRabies is a significant public health concern and is often described as the quintessential One Health problem, linking especially animal health to human health. I examine how rabies is managed in the circumpolar North with three cases: Alaska, Northwest Territories, and Svalbard. In this thesis, I describe rabies management in the North using a systems theory framework and explore challenges in this limited application of the One Health paradigm, focusing on animal and human health agencies and their interaction in rabies management in a northern environment. I conducted semi-structured interviews with fifteen key informants. My results indicate that most respondents characterize the working relationships between agencies as positive and that the approach to rabies management is highly collaborative. While rabies is managed at the territorial or state level in the Northwest Territories and Alaska, respectively, the perception of where authority lies in rabies management is less evident in Norway concerning Svalbard, owing to the unusual administrative structure of the archipelago. Some uncertainty also existed among Canadian rabies managers. Respondents generally describe working relationships between agencies as positive; however, coordination remains one of the main challenges to rabies management, along with harsh environmental conditions and the remoteness of the small communities. Rabies managers in Svalbard also face risks associated with hunting, whereas dogs present challenges to rabies management in Alaska and the Northwest Territories, owing to limited veterinary services in dispersed small and remote communities in these two regions. My research shows that poor collaboration between agencies can hinder effective disease management, even for a disease such as rabies, with a long history of control measures in animals (vaccination) to reduce human exposure to this zoonotic virus. These findings could guide the implementation of the full One Health paradigm by highlighting the need for collaborative interagency relationships and consideration of local conditions when developing One Health based approaches.
Climate security and scale: climate change risk and security as an all-scales, all-of-society challengeClimate security as an emerging field of study seeks to connect the substantial security-related challenges faced under climate change, and the ways in which climate change re-prioritizes issues at all scales of governance, and throughout all parts of society. This dissertation explores these perspectives to better understand how climate security differs from past approaches in security, and how climate change requires new paradigms to consider local, national, regional, and international assessments on risk and security. Through three papers, this dissertation assesses local approaches toward shifts in natural hazards through computational modeling, explores regional and global governance challenges that generate ethical and security concerns through attempts to mitigate climate impacts via geoengineering, and identifies current limitations on risk and security dialogues, particularly where conflict and disasters intertwine. The final paper also proposes a new conceptual model to advance approaches on assessing critical failure, the limits of mutual aid, and the assessment of "just securitization" when a referent of analysis faces significant impacts from disruptive events. This dissertation connects these issues of scale and dimensions of security to present climate security as a deeply interconnected and widely impacting issue that requires common framing and dialogues to prioritize capacity and understand limitations of future adaptation.
Flying the frontier: a case study comparison of newspaper coverage of early northern plane crashesFrom the early days of Alaskan aviation beginning in 1923, stories about Alaskan bush pilots leapt from newspaper pages, captivating readers and selling papers. These newspaper stories, along with magazine articles and other popular culture media accounts, portrayed pilots as pioneers, cowboys and brave adventurers, and referred to Alaska in terms heavily laden with American frontier imagery, a trend that persisted in Alaska but faded elsewhere. What did newspaper reports convey about the lives and deaths of these aviators and their relationships to Alaska and the frontier? How has the portrayal of these early Alaskan pilots in ways that perpetuated frontier mythology affected attitudes toward Alaska's aviation industry? This research employs case study comparisons to approach these questions, evaluating tone and language of early news coverage about Alaska aviation from its advent in 1923 until early 1948 and exploring the origins of the modern American media's portrayal of the Alaska aviation industry. I argue that these early bush pilots captivated the American public because they lived and worked at the intersection of two frontiers: Alaska as The Last Frontier, and at the dawn of the air-age, the sky as a new frontier.
Indigenous self-determination in co-production of knowledgeAnalyzing and comprehending co-production of knowledge (CPK) in the context of working with Arctic Indigenous communities on climate change research is the main goal for this interdisciplinary doctoral dissertation. CPK is shared decision-making on every step of the research process with research partners from communities, agencies, or organizations. CPK with Arctic Indigenous communities requires dedicated consideration of equity, ethics, cultural worldviews, and colonization. Key concepts from Indigenous critical methodologies are used to analyze both the CPK theory and implementation. CPK has the potential to be an ethical space to question the status quo of research processes and support Indigenous self-determination. Critiquing NSF's Navigating the New Arctic as a case study, there were many missteps in not following CPK in the development of the program and projects, along with not following United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (Ch. 2). There are significant lessons to be learned from the literature on collaborative methodology, including Indigenous methodologies. Through synthesis work, a model was developed compiling factors of success to achieving CPK along with a discussion of perspectives on those factors and success metrics. The objective of the synthesis work is the development of tools to support transparent communication and co-design of research projects (Ch. 3). CPK happens in-between the boundaries of disciplines, cultures, and science-policy-community. Thirteen experts in boundary spanning co-produced lessons-learned and recommendations based on their expertise and experiences. The project co-produced strategies to overcome funding barriers and the cultural divide to Alaska Native communities utilizing a boundary analysis framework (Ch. 4). Applying the CPK and boundary spanning concepts, themes of success in improving Arctic observing were developed from homogenous focus groups. With thirty-four participants representing scientists, science coordination experts, policy experts, and Indigenous community leaders and scholars, co-analysis was impractical. Following the Rapid Assessment Process utilizing focus groups, themes of success and corresponding science and Indigenous perspectives were developed (Ch. 5).
Preserving reflections of ourselves: the past, present, and future of Alaska's museumsWhile museums are very good at collecting, preserving, documenting, and interpreting the histories of our communities, we have not done a very good job with our own histories. No comprehensive publication holistically examines the development of museums in Alaska, let alone looks critically at the "big three" (Alaska State Museums, University of Alaska Museum of the North, and the Anchorage Museum) with a goal of establishing a connection between the historical context, the individuals who shaped those museums, and the institutions' current states of being. This dissertation uses the academic fields of history, museology, and ethnography to discover and analyze how we find ourselves in the current state, while offering suggestions for moving ahead in a positive way. In this dissertation I examine the past, present, and future of Alaska's museums. I do this by first assembling a more complete history of the "big three" using archival primary sources, published literature, and interviews. Second, I examine the current state of museums with their strengths and challenges through a combination of literature review, interviews, surveys, and participant observation. Finally, I consider the way Alaska's museums might respond to the changes facing museums around the world by reflecting on current museological literature, current events, and examining two case studies based on my work at the University of Alaska Museum of the North located on the campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Siberian dawn to midnight in Siberia: the geopolitics of Anglophone travel writing about post-Soviet SiberiaThe collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 opened Siberia as a new "travelers' frontier." Travel writers seeking destinations unspoiled by the encroachment of global capitalism and the resultant "placeless" landscapes made Siberia the subject of numerous travel books. This thesis critically examines the geopolitical discourses embedded in those books. Through a close reading and discourse analysis of three representative samples spanning the post-Cold War period, it highlights the key tropes, images and discourses that Anglophone travel writers have deployed in their constructions of Russia as a geopolitical Other. Travel writers writing about Siberia during the post-Cold War period explicitly and implicitly engaged with, reproduced, argued against, adopted, and adapted popular geopolitical treatises such as Francis Fukuyama's "End of History" thesis, Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" thesis, and Robert Kaplan's "The Coming Anarchy" thesis, ultimately producing works that frame Russia as an irredeemable and timeless rival to a normalized West. More generally, this thesis argues that scholars of critical and popular geopolitics need to engage more directly and more robustly with literary productions such as travel writing in order to elucidate the geopolitical messaging of such texts.
From colonization to conservation: examining representations of nonhuman Arctic animals in British children's literature during the long nineteenth centuryThis paper examines the impact of British children's literature on shaping attitudes toward the Arctic and its nonhuman animals during the long nineteenth century. As the British renewed their interest in the Arctic, authors used children's literature to convey imperial ambitions and shape beliefs about the region. Using an ecocritical lens, this analysis demonstrates that the crafting of nonhuman animal portrayals helped shape children's beliefs about the Arctic and its role in the British Empire. The literature showcased illustrates a significant shift in British attitudes toward the human-environment relationship, moving from exploration to exploitation to protection. Early exploration narratives introduced the idea of limitless wildlife populations and encouraged children's interest in natural history, while later anthropocentric adventure stories reinforced beliefs about empire by pitting humans against wild creatures. Ecocentric Arctic fiction published in the last third of the period challenged beliefs about resource colonization and fostered conversations about conservation by using ecohorror and writing from the perspectives of wild creatures to evoke empathy in readers, ultimately decentering people and shifting British beliefs about Arctic nonhuman animals moving into the twentieth century.
Voices from the "Packy Board Palace": student reflections on the experience and legacy of Copper Valley SchoolAs a whole, the residential school experience holds a complicated legacy for Native American and Alaska Native communities. The history of residential schools for Indigenous children includes acculturation, instances of abuse, and generational trauma. In many cases, Indigenous children throughout the United States and Canada were removed from their families and forced to attend Western schools that banned their Native cultures, traditions, and languages. However, some former residential school students also attest to the positive experience of attending some of these schools, noting the educational opportunities they received, as well as the community and friendships they established at those schools. Their experiences highlight the complicated legacy of residential schools. This project analyzes the experiences students had while attending Copper Valley School, a Catholic residential school located near Glennallen, Alaska. The school was in operation between 1956 and 1971 and was established to provide a college preparatory education for Alaska Native students. Based on archival material and interviews with alumni, this project examines the education and student experience at Copper Valley School. The project allowed space for all student experiences, positive and negative. The former Copper Valley students interviewed for this project attested to a largely positive experience at the school, while noting that the school did have several institutional shortcomings. This project argues that the quality of education, the participation of lay volunteers, the integration of the school, and the community at the school all contributed to positive experiences for the project participants.
Pistons to pipelines: the relationship between aviation, oil and the development of the NorthInfrastructure development in the North is tied directly to military and private explorations for oil, national defense, and the use of aviation that provided access to remote regions. World War II drove the initial infrastructure development in Northwest Canada and the North Slope of Alaska, which linked aviation to oil and provided access points for further Arctic development. The Cold War brought the military back to the Arctic, using existing infrastructure to construct the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line, the largest construction project ever attempted in the North at that time. Aviation provided the transportation flexibility necessary to accomplish the project and expanded aviation infrastructure in the North. All of this coalesced with the exploration and discovery of oil at Prudhoe Bay and the subsequent airlift that allowed rapid development of the oil field.
Among the Dene: Allen's 1885 trans-Alaska expeditionIn 1885, U.S. Army Lieutenant Henry T. Allen crossed Alaska for the purpose of obtaining all information "valuable and important," especially to the military branch of government. The following year, the Secretary of War submitted Allen's much-anticipated report of a reconnaissance in Alaska to the U.S. Senate. Although the Senate ratified a treaty transferring Russian America to the United States nearly two decades earlier, and Alaska had been a Russian colony for over a century, the interior of Alaska - the homeland of Alaska's Dene people - remained largely unknown to the outside world. With constant assistance while traveling among the Dene, Allen surveyed twenty-five hundred miles of Dene territory including the Copper, Tanana, and Koyukuk Rivers. From the North Pacific, the Dene guided Allen across the Alaska Range and north to the Arctic Circle, then west to the Bering Sea. Though scholars then and now have recognized Allen's expedition as the most comprehensive exploration of Alaska and the earliest documentation of Dene lifeways in much of Alaska's Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, this dissertation presents the first scholarly work entirely focused on the expedition. An interdisciplinary approach and narrative history provide the framework for evaluating the expedition's place in U.S. and Alaska history, particularly regarding Allen's noteworthy interactions with Indigenous peoples and his ethnographic and cartographic contributions. With Dene support, Allen recorded the social and physical environment throughout much of Alaska's interior prior to direct colonial influences and resultant rapid and irrevocable change. The expedition's primary sources, combined with documented Dene perspectives, illustrate positive Indigenous-military relations. Mutually respectful interactions between Allen and Alaska's Dene who played an integral role in the expedition's success remain a legacy of the expedition. The character traits that contributed to Allen's success in 1885 eventually led to his selection by General Pershing and President Wilson to lead America's occupation in Germany following World War I. Whether mediating conflict in Europe or managing complex cross-cultural encounters along North America's borderlands during his trans-Alaska expedition, Allen's respectfulness and humanitarianism serve as a benchmark for positive civil-military relations.
Cartography, territory and empire mapping the Alaska boundary dispute, 1821-1903In the wake of the Klondike gold rush of 1898 a long-simmering dispute over the boundary between Alaska territory and British-America (Canada) rose to a boil. The disagreement between the United States and England was a combination of imperial arrogance, geographic ignorance, administrative neglect, and diplomatic brinksmanship. At every step the dispute was fueled by colonial cartography and served an eventual European/Euro-American hegemony over the indigenous Tlingit people. In this dissertation, a series of three papers will describe and analyze the precursors and resolution of the Alaska Boundary Dispute in part by employing novel methods of analysis of historical maps that the respective colonial powers used to establish their sovereign claims and then re-introduced as evidence in the 1903 tribunal. The research in this project examines the transformation and reordering of geographic knowledge through the employment of cartography of the Northwest Coast, but also reveals by deductive analysis of the same maps the underlying power struggle between colonial Europeans and Indigenous Americans. Colonial cartography contributed to a competition for imperial space on the Northwest Coast and the analysis of colonial mapping reveals a legacy of geography mediating history, maps creating territory, and the power of geographic knowledge.
Northern vistas: a retrospective of the rural Alaskan Volunteers in service to America program 1965-1971This thesis examines the Volunteers in Service to America program as it operated in rural Alaska from 1965 to 1971. Oral histories, correspondence from the volunteers, trainers and stakeholders offer a rich historical perspective of the program's successes and failures. Remote and underdeveloped village conditions presented daunting operational challenges to the program and its volunteers. During the study period, rural Alaska underwent dramatic social and political changes as recent statehood and looming resource development necessitated resolution of Native land claims. A series of new federal anti-poverty initiatives and the transfer of existing agencies to state and local oversight presented opportunities for volunteer participation. From a national perspective, the program struggled as political tides shifted and conflicting ideologies impacted its mission. Through analysis of interviews and written accounts, this study raises questions about the volunteers' perceived mission as it relates to these rapidly changing conditions. It provides a lens for evaluation of the program's successes and failures. It recognizes the volunteers' efforts and reveals the serendipitous outcome of continued Alaskan civic participation from many of its original volunteers. This study highlights their efforts and demonstrates how the rural "VISTA Alaska" contributed to the development of a cohort of young professionals committed to lasting careers in service areas that have benefited rural Alaska and underserved populations.
Look North Tokyo: Japanese business in post-World War II AlaskaSince the early 1950s, Alaska and Japan have engaged in both economic and cultural exchanges that have made lasting impacts on the 49th State. For the nearly 75-year-long relationship, Japan was Alaska's number one trade partner by the measure of its exports, worth at its height in 1992, well over $3 billion. From products like timber, fish, and natural gas, Alaska had the raw resources that Japan lacked, while Japan had the industrial economy that Alaska needed. Diminishing public and scholarly interest of Alaska-Japan relations, however, has resulted in the neglect of this recent period of Alaska's economic and diplomatic history. As such, this thesis asks: 1. How and why did Alaska's relationship with Japan develop and evolve over time? 2. In what ways did that relationship grow beyond its foundation in trade? 3. How did this relationship affect Alaska and what are its legacies? Using the Jack London Hypothesis of economic cycles, this thesis provides a history of Alaska-Japan relations and asserts that in periods of economic bust, when Alaska was forced to seek alternate streams of revenue, it actively pursued foreign trade with Japan, but that in times of economic boom Alaska neglected its relationship with Japan. During these periods of decreased attention to trade, however, the two partners sustained their relationship through the preexisting cultural, diplomatic, and business institutions that were built in the preceding boom period. Additionally, this research demonstrates that while Alaska's economic cycles drove its pursuit of international trade, Japan's receptiveness to these trade overtures also depended on its own waxing and waning economic conditions.
At the edge of somewhere: journeying on the Dalton HighwaySome journeys need to be made. In At the Edge of Somewhere, the writer embarks on a cycle ride from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay on Alaska's remote and dangerous Dalton Highway. Drawn obsessively to the Arctic sea ice some years earlier and, now, onto "the road," her journey attempts to bring closure to the long-standing need to be on the move, at once not able or even wanting to settle but also seeking a place within herself, and therefore a physical location, she might call home. She travels with a found notebook, acquired unexpectedly at the start of her ride, which reveals the heart-wrenching story of Samuel Morgan. As she journeys through boreal forest, high alpine and tundra, we learn not only of Samuel's abandonment to boarding school as a young boy but of the writer's traumatic childhood. Painful memories, reminiscences of working on "the road" and new encounters blend with Samuel's search for peace amid an encounter with the artistic works of an 18th century German Romantic painter. Touching on themes of trauma, art, and their relationships with the landscape, both the writer and Samuel reach Prudhoe Bay and the Arctic Ocean ready to let go of their pasts.
The doctor, the publisher and the curmudgeon: how personalities, politics and the press set the stage for Alaska statehood"Much has been written about Alaska's struggle for statehood in 1959. But before there was a unified push for statehood, before World War II changed the face of Alaska forever and people such as Bob Atwood, Bill Egan and Bob Bartlett fought the good fight, there was a "perfect storm" of personalities, politics and press coverage that prepared Alaska for what would become its greatest triumph. This thesis examines the lives, motives and politics of Territorial Governor John Troy, Territorial Governor Ernest Gruening and U.S. Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes. Their individual vendettas, drive and quests for power directly influenced conditions in the Alaska Territory that would lead it to become a state. Along the way, the press corps, notably the Juneau Empire, held sway over the population and used partisanship and agenda setting to keep statehood boosters at bay for more than a decade"--Leaf iii
A storm like no other: changes that shaped Seward Peninsula communities at the turn of the 20th century"This thesis explains how four events at the turn of the twentieth century--the start of an American administration, the introduction of schools and missions, the introduction of reindeer, and the 1918 influenza epidemic--brought sweeping changes to Inupiat on the Seward Peninsula, and contributed to the decline of two formerly-prominent Seward Peninsula communities: Kingegan and Kauwerak"--Leaf iii
The utilization of constitutional space to maximize sub-national autonomy in federations"The comparative study of federal systems has most often focused on the view of federation 'from the top down.' This is particularly true of the study of constitutionalism in federations, in which federal constitutions have received significantly more attention than sub-national constitutions. An emerging concept in the understanding of federal systems from the sub-national perspective is the idea of constitutional space, which is defined as 'the range of discretion available to the component units in a federal system in designing their constitutional arrangements.' Some scholars have suggested that the full utilization of constitutional space can effectively increase the autonomy of sub-national units within a federation. This thesis explores the potential for increased sub-national autonomy through the utilization of constitutional space in a comparative analysis of state and provincial actions in the United States and Canada with regard to same-sex marriage and resource management, and concludes that due to the influence of additional factors in the federal relationship, the utilization of constitutional space by itself is insufficient to increase sub-national autonomy"--Leaf iii