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dc.contributor.authorSchool of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station
dc.descriptionDownloaded from April 16, 2013.en_US
dc.description.abstractPeony-A Future Crop for Alaska?: Peonies may be a profitable crop because Alaska's late spring provides a market advantage. Research is underway at AFES, looking at suitable varieties and production techniques. / Doreen Fitzgerald -- Alternative Livestock in Alaska: Bison to Yaks: Farmers across the state are working with nontraditional animal species with origins from the Himalayas to the Andes. / Deirdre Helfferich -- The Legacy of Aldo Leopold: Literature of Science students explore naturalist's ideas: Although he made his observations in the first half of the last century, Aldo Leopold's ideas continued to be the source of lively debate. The inventor of wildlife management as we know it today was a gifted scientist as well as writer, educator, and philosopher. / Doreen Fitzgerald -- The Wolf Control Issue: Student society hosts moderated discussions: A public forum on this controversial subject provided information on the cultural and economic importance of hunting, and the biological interactions of prey and predator. / Deirdre Helfferich and Susan Todd -- Cooperative Research and Knowledge Transfer at SNRAS: Subarctic Agricultural Research Unit Reestablished -- North and West Alaska Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit -- Regional Resilience and Adaptation: Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies RR&A Faculty: Three cooperative programs are enrich research and education. / Doreen Fitzgerald -- 2002/2003 SNRAS Graduates and Senior Theses -- Permafrost and Ponds: Remote sensing and GIS used to monitor Alaska wetlands at the landscape level: Water bodies across arctic and subarctic regions are shrinking. A SNRAS graduate student examines the effects of climate change at ten sites across Alaska. / Doreen Fitzgerald with Brian Riordanen_US
dc.publisherAgricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, University of Alaska Fairbanksen_US
dc.titleAgroborealis, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Summer 2003)en_US

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