GI Reports: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 86
Interpretation of geophysical well logs in permafrostThis report is a collection of information on the interpretation of well logs and borehole geophysical surveys in permafrost. The body of the report is preceded by an executive summary that gives the highlights of the report in condensed form. The introductory chapter contains background information that is fundamental to the understanding of well log applications in permafrost, including definitions and descriptions of well logs, permafrost, and related terms, and illustrations showing the extent of permafrost in Alaska. Chapter 2 presents information on physical properties of permafrost that relate to well log interpretation, including porosity and pore-filling media (water, ice and air), and their effects on thermal properties, electrical properties and acoustic properties. Chapters 3-8 describe the following types of well logs in detail, including measurement principles and methods, procedures for calibration and interpretation, and identification of special problems related to permafrost: thermal logs, electric logs, sonic logs, nuclear logs, magnetic logs, and miscellaneous (caliper and drilling) logs. Chapter 9 gives information on three types of borehole geophysical surveys, electrical resistivity, seismic velocity, and borehole gravity, with emphasis on the increased depth of investigation afforded by these surveys as compared with well logs. Chapter 10 described a number of specific applications, including the identification of lithology in permafrost, characterization of the thermal regime and the thermal properties of permafrost, petroleum exploration and production, mining applications, and geotechnical applications. A concluding chapter summarizes the information contained in the body of the report and includes a table that gives an overview of the relative value of various borehole geophysical measurements that can be used for delineating and characterizing permafrost. Conclusions of the report are that a number of standard borehole measurement techniques have been tried and proven in permafrost and can be used effectively to delineate and characterize earth material penetrated by the borehole. However, there are several well logging techniques that have special potential for detecting permafrost that have not been tested: dielectric constant, sonic waveform, televiewer, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Borehole electrical and seismic surveys have potential for detecting permafrost at large distances from the borehole, and these techniques need further development and refinement to take full advantage of their capability.
Tracking the aurora by a multifrequency HF backscatter sounderA comparison of simultaneous optical and radio auroral data obtained during 12 days in December, 1964, shows conclusively that the radio wave scattering belt includes the visual auroral belt. The optical data were obtained with the Alaskan network of all-sky-cameras located between 65 and 80° north geomagnetic latitude. With the exception of vertical incidence, meteor, groundscatter, and slant F (polar spur) traces, all of the recorded backscatter traces from the north were scaled indiscriminately for slant range. The excellent agreement that resulted leads us to conclude that the majority of the HF and low VHF backscatter echoes observed at high latitudes are auroral echoes in the strict sense of the term. In the records shown the auroral belt was tracked from 65 to above 80°N geomagnetic latitude. It is concluded that the multifrequency HF backscatter sounder makes year-round observations of the auroral belt possible.
Effective recombination coefficient in D-regionThe effect of the meteoric dust particles on the steady state distribution of electrons and ions in the lower ionosphere (50-90 km) has been investigated. It is shown that the effective recombination coefficient obtained is higher than that obtained by ignoring the presence of dust. (Abstract excerpt.)
Ice cover development on interior Alaska streamsA number of photographs are presented which illustrate selected aspects of frazil ice formation in turbulent Interior Alaska streams. These include the various forms of frazil ice found in turbulent streams and the processes involved in the development of an ice cover on the streams. All of the photographs depict frazil ice under field conditions. They include photographs of cooling conditions, frazil discs (both in situ and removed from the stream), anchor ice, edge ice, frazil flocs, frazil pans, snow slush, and frazil floes. Photographs of hydrological conditions that lead to the production of large frazil ice floes and of different types of frazil ice jams are also included. These photographs provide visual documentation of the key role that frazil ice plays in ice cover development on turbulent streams in Interior Alaska.
Asymmetry of Dst variations of geomagnetic storms with respect to the geomagnetic equatorThe seasonal variations in the Dst part of magnetic storms are determined for three pairs of stations, each pair consisting of two stations at nearly equal geomagnetic latitudes in the northern and southern hemispheres. The results show that in solstitial seasons the Dst field is not symmetrical with respect to the geomagnetic equator. The asymmetry is small in low latitudes and increases toward the auroral zones. Dm has a similar asymmetry with respect to the equator. These characteristics of Dst and Dm are interpreted as due to the asymmetry of auroral electrojets with respect to the geomagnetic equator in solstitial seasons.
A Reconnaissance Snow Survey of Interior AlaskaThe salient feature of the snow cover in the lowlands of interior Alaska is its low density. This results from prolonged exposure to steep snow temperature gradients with negligible wind action. Strong surface inversions occur frequently and last for weeks at a time in interior Alaska and decouple the lowest air layer in valley bottoms from the air aloft. The dense surface air layer is still and cold (-30 to -40°C is common) and the shallow (less than 1 m thick) snow pack underlying it is subjected to steep temperature gradients because the snow-soil interface temperature rarely goes below -6°C. This transforms most of the snow pack into depth hoar before spring breakup. The density of this depth hoar is generally less than 0.20 g cm-3 which is significantly less than that observed on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets or in Alpine snow packs. The boundary between air in the valley bottoms and the air aloft is often sharp. Above the inversion winds are frequent and the snow in this environment is harder and had surface density values in the range of 0.35 to 0.40 g cm-3 whereas the density of the entire snow pack in valley bottoms, only 200-300 m below, is about 0.20 g cm-3. Towns in lowland valleys, such as Fairbanks, lie in the stagnant inversion layer and are subject to air pollution in the winter. The snow cover can be utilized to measure this pollution because it acts as a gigantic filter for fallout particles. A simple measure of impurities in snow is obtained by measuring the specific electrical conductance of its melt water. Tests on a network of top-to-bottom samples of the snow pack taken just before breakup during each of three years, in and around Fairbanks, show values which increase sharply from less than 10 µmho cm-1 in outlying areas to greater than 100 µmho cm-1 downtown. Since this is a reconnaissance study a chronological summary of the field work is presented with the results.
Historical references to ice conditions along the Beaufort Sea coast of AlaskaThe objective of this program was to extend the data base on ice hazards along the Beaufort Sea coast of Alaska backward in time by using the knowledge and understanding of ice and weather conditions of the local residents. Information for this pilot project was obtained through direct interviews with residents, or from narratives supplied by them. The results of these procedures were evaluated to provide a basis for improving similar efforts in future. Observations of particular interest obtained from these interviews and narratives include (1 ) a description of a major motion of the landfast ice off Harrison Bay in late February, (2) a description of the formation of ice push ridges and ride-up at Cape Halkett during break up, (3) reports of whales traveling inshore of Cross Island during the fall migration and of whales being taken by crews from the Prudhoe Bay area at that time of year, and 4) descriptions of conditions in the nearshore area during summer. In addition information of historical and cultural interest was obtained.
Ice Fog: Low Temperature Air Pollution; Defined with Fairbanks, Alaska as type localityStable pressure systems over interior Alaska sometimes produce prolonged, extreme (below -40°C) cold spells at the surface. The meteorological conditions responsible for two such cold spells are discussed in detail in Appendix A, where it is shown that the rate of radiative cooling of the air is enhanced by suspended ice crystals which are themselves a result of the initial cooling. Radiation fogs formed during the onset of cold spells are generally of short duration because the air soon becomes desiccated. These fogs consist of supercooled water droplets until the air temperature goes below the "spontaneous freezing point” for water droplets (about -40°C); the fog then becomes an ice crystal fog, or simply "Ice Fog". During the cooling cycle water is gradually condensed out of the air until the droplets freeze. At this point there is a sharp, discontinuous decrease in the saturation vapor pressure of the air because it must be reckoned over ice rather than over water. The polluted air over Fairbanks allows droplets to begin freezing at the relatively high temperature of -35°C. Between -35 and -40°C the amount of water vapor condensed by freezing of supercooled water droplets is 3 to 5 times greater than the amount condensed by 1°C of cooling at these temperatures. This results in rapid and widespread formation of ice fog (Appendix B) which persists in the Fairbanks area as long as the cold spell lasts. The persistence of Fairbanks ice fog depends on a continual source of moisture (4.. 1 x 10^6 Kg H2O per day) from human activities within the fog. Ice fog crystals are an order of magnitude smaller than diamond dust, or cirrus cloud crystals, which in turn are an order of magnitude smaller than common snow crystals (0.01, 0.1 and 1 to 5-mm respectively). The differences in size are shown to result from differences in cooling rates over 5 orders of magnitude. Most of the ice fog crystals have settling rates which are slower than the upward velocity of air over the city center. The upward air movement is caused by convection cells driven by the 6°C "heat island" over Fairbanks. This causes a reduced precipitation rate which permits the density of ice fog in the city center to be three times greater than that in the outlying areas. The inversions which occur during cold spells over Fairbanks begin at ground level and are among the strongest and most persistent in the world. They are three times stronger than those in the inversion layer over Los Angeles. Thus, the low-lying air over Fairbanks stagnates and becomes effectively decoupled from the atmosphere above, permitting high concentrations of all pollutants. The combustion of fuel oil, gasoline, and coal provides daily inputs of: 4.1 x 10^6 kg CO2 ; 8.6 x 10^3 kg SO2 ; and 60, 46 and 20 kg of Pb, Br and Cl respectively, into a lens-like layer of air resting on the surface with a total volume less than 3 x 10^9 m^3. The air pollution over Fairbanks during cold spells couldn't be worse, because the mechanisms for cleaning the air are virtually eliminated while all activities which pollute the air are increased.
An HF sweep frequency study of the arctic ionosphereObservations made during 1958 and 1959 using a sweep frequency, HF, oblique sounder located at College, Alaska, are discussed, and selected groups of echoes are illustrated. Groundscatter is the predominant echo type observed on mid-latitude backscatter records, but this is not true in the high latitudes. The majority of the scatter echoes from soundings toward geomagnetic north were direct F region scatter of two main types - IF and constant range echoes. These same echo types were observed from the E region during magnetic disturbances (the slant Es echo corresponds to the IF echo). These echoes were centered about geomagnetic north on swept azimuth soundings and were produced by scatter near the oblique reflection point in the ionosphere. Thus, we conclude that the echoes were caused by scatter from irregularities aligned along the geomagnetic field. The IF echo branches off the first order vertical incidence F region trace and increases linearly in range with frequency. It is produced by scattered energy which is least-time focused. The scatterers are essentially randomly distributed within large regions called clouds in the F region. The height of the irregularities producing the IF echo can be computed if the vertical incidence traces are clear; heights between 200 and 350 km have been found by this technique, indicating that electron density irregularities are not confined only to the lower ionosphere. From the regularity of occurrence of the IF echo, it is highly probable that the irregularities extend throughout much of the F region. The constant range echo is produced by energy scattered from the field-aligned surface of a cloud of irregularities. The soundings were made to the north so the clouds producing the observed constant range echo extended east and west. The IF and the constant range echoes are useful research tools because they indicate the amount of cloudiness present in the F region. During the summer day, the F region is relatively free of clouds, while during the winter night, it is quite overcast. The cloud size and distribution depend primarily upon the zenith angle of the sun, the smaller the zenith angle, the smaller and fewer the clouds. Geomagnetic effects do not appear to influence the behavior or the F region clouds, although this point is somewhat uncertain. The E region clouds which produced the slant Es echo were definitely correlated with geomagnetic activity but not to solar radiation, there appeared to be no connection between the causes of the E and the F region direct scatter echoes even though they were propagated by the same general mechanisms. This study raised several new problems whose explanations might contribute greatly to ionospheric research. The sweep frequency sounding technique is a good method, but the system sensitivity must be raised greatly over that of the present equipment if meaningful results are to be obtained.
Distribution of Radar Auroras Over AlaskaAnalysis of data collected by five auroral radars located in Alaska shows the distribution of ionospheric disturbances as a function of time and location. The radars were operated during the IGY and were located in a nearly straight line running magnetically north-south across Alaska; these locations made it possible to observe disturbances continuously in the range, from 60 to 80 degrees geomagnetic latitude, which includes the visual auroral zone. An apparent radar auroral zone with a maximum at 67 degrees geomagnetic latitude is indicated by this study. The decrease in occurrence to the south of this maximum is verified, but the decrease to the north can not be accurately defined as the roll of aspect sensitivity is not fully understood. The radar auroral zone spreads to the south during increased magnetic disturbance, and some indication is found of a lessening of activity well north of the visual auroral zone. A conclusion is also reached that the layer causing radio wave absorption during aurora is not uniform but contains "holes" or regions of low absorption. The diurnal occurrence curves indicate two principal maxima. One is observed at all stations at times near local midnight. The time of the other maximum depends on the latitude of observation; it is later in the morning at the more northern locations. These two echoes exhibit differing degrees of aspect sensitivity, the morning echoes having a narrower scattering polar diagram.
Results of a Survey of IGY Patrol Spectra at College, AlaskaThe behavior of prominent auroral emissions has been studied statistically using the IGY patrol spectrograms obtained at College, Alaska during the International Geophysical Year. Results are presented in the form of mean diurnal intensity variations and in the form of correlation tables. Both presentations suggest the occurrence of two types of auroras. One is relatively weak, has a broad intensity maximum around magnetic midnight, and contains the hydrogen Balmer emissions. The other gradually increases in intensity until magnetic midnight and thereafter maintains a high intensity level until dawn. Its spectrum is usually characterized by the presence of the first positive bands of N2. The mean diurnal intensity variation of the sodium emission suggests that the twilight enhancement of the sodium D-lines persists to much greater solar depression angles than those previously reported. Some evidence is found for a small auroral contribution to the sodium emission. This contribution is however erratic and does not correlate well with any specific auroral emission. The (OI) 6364A emission shows, as expected, a strong twilight enhancement persisting to large solar depression angles. No enhancement is observed for the (OI) 5577A emission. A weak correlation is found between the intensity of the hydrogen Balmer emissions and the occurrence of red auroras.
Catalogue of Huet auroral spectra 1957-1959The zenith auroral spectra at College, Alaska, obtained during the 1957-1959 observing seasons, has been assembled in catalogue form. The prime purpose of this catalogue is to present the auroral activity in a manner which can be used by others in the interpretation of aurorally associated phenomena. Prom the general appearance of the spectra and other factors, a table of daily index numbers (1 -9) is given for two observing periods. Although these numbers should not be used in themselves as correlation data they are valuable as representative indices. This point is indicated by the clear appearance of the spring maximum in activity and a general yearly decline in activity towards the minimum of the sunspot cycle.
A study of magnetic storms and aurorasNew notations for magnetic disturbance fields are proposed, based on the theoretical consideration of the electric current systems by which they are produced. A typical magnetic storm begins suddenly when the onrush of the front of the solar gas is halted by the earth's magnetic field. This effect (DCF field) is most markedly observed as a sudden increase of the horizontal component of the earth's field (the storm sudden commencement, abbreviated to ssc)— like a step function. In many cases, however, the change of the field during the ssc is more complicated, and different at different places. Such a complexity superposed on the simple increase (DCF) is ascribed to a complicated current system generated in the polar ionosphere (DP current). It is found that the changes of electromagnetic conditions in the polar regions are communicated, without delay, to lower latitudes, even down to the equatorial regions. It is inferred that the equatorial jet is affected by such a change and produces the abnormal enhancement of ssc along the magnetic dip equator. From the extensive analysis of several magnetic storms that occurred during the IGY and IGC, it is suggested that the capture of the solar particles in the outer geomagnetic field occurs when irregularities (containing tangled magnetic fields and high energy protons) embedded in the solar stream, impinge on the earth.. Thus the development of a magnetic storm depends on the distribution of such irregularities in the stream. The motions and resulting currents and magnetic fields of such "trapped" solar particles are studied in detail for a special model. It is inferred that a large decrease (DR field) must follow the initial increase; it is ascribed to the ring current produced by such motion of solar protons oi energy of order 500 Kev. It is proposed that during the storm there appears a transient 'storm-time1 belt well outside the outer radiation belt. It is predicted that the earth's magnetic field is reversed in limited regions when the ring current is appreciably enhanced. This involves the formation of neutral lines there. These may be of two kinds, called X lines or 0 lines according as they are crossed or encircled by magnetic lines of force. These may be entirely separated or may be joined to form a loop, called an OX loop. It is shown that one of them, the X line, which is connected with the auroral ionosphere by the lines of force, could be the proximate source of th<e particles that produce the aurora polaris. By postulating the existence of such X-type neutral lines at about 6 earth radii, an explanation is obtained of the detailed morphology of the aurora. This includes the auroral zones and their changes, the nighttime peak occurrence of auroras, their thin ribbon-like structure and their multiplicity, their diffuse and active forms and the transition between them (break-up) the required electron and proton flux, and the ray and wavy structures. Among the most important phenomena associated with the sudden change of the aurora from the diffuse to the active form are the simultaneous appearance of the auroral electrojet and the resulting polar magnetic disturbances (DP sub-storms). Several typical DP sub-storms are studied in detail. It is concluded that a westward auroral jet is produced by a southward electric field. It is shown that an instability of the sheetbeam issuing from along the X-type neutral line can produce a southward electric field of the required intensity. The southward electric field produces an eastward motion of the electrons in the ionosphere. This may be identified with the eastward motion of an active aurora and with the westward auroral electrojet. Besides such large changes- of the field, there often appear various quasi-sinusoidal changes of the field, much less intense. They are supposed to be hydromagnetic waves, some of which are generated in the outer atmosphere and propagated through the ionosphere, where a certain amount of their energy is dissipated. It is concluded however that Such a dissipation is not sufficient to produce any appreciable heating of the ionosphere.
Experiment Luxembourg, Scientific Report No. 4Experiment Luxembourg was designed to measure the electron density and electron collision-frequency as a function of height in the D region over College, Alaska using the technique of radio-wave interaction. A block diagram, which includes all the equipment necessary for the actual operation of the experiment, is described and illustrated in detail. The major parts of the system are: the disturbing transmitter operating on 17.5 Mc/s and using a 4x4 array of Yagi antennas, the wanted transmitter operating on ~ 5 Mc/s and using a circular polarization unit with 4 dipoles arranged in a quadrangle, a similar circular polarization unit and antenna for 5 Mc/s at the receiving site, and the delicate receiving system which detects a cross-modulation of 1x10 -4 for a one volt input signal. Some values of electron density and collision-frequency have been obtained and will be discussed in following publications.
Earth Current Activity at College, Alaska, July 1959This report presents College N-S earth current records for the month of July 1959. The scale of 1 inch per hour permits detailed scaling directly from the reproductions in the report. Scalings of hourly range in amplitude and rapid fluctuation activity are given. The amplitude scalings are also presented as curves together with average curves for a period of several years to show the relative magnitudes of the July 1959 activity. The earth current always displays much more pronounced fine structure than the corresponding geomagnetic activity.
A Study of the Aurora of 1859The two great auroral displays of August 28-29 and September 1-2, 1859 are studied from a collection of world-wide descriptive observations. Both auroras reached to unusually low latitudes. Red glows were reported as visible from within 23° of the geomagnetic equator in both north and south hemispheres during the display of September 1-2. It is shown that by using graphic symbols, descriptive reports may be used to indicate the significant features of an auroral display. A series of world-wide maps show the hourly locations and lowest latitude limits of auroral visibility and overhead aurora for the most active hours. They illustrate how the progress of an aurora may be followed throughout the night. Both auroras seen in North America reached their southern limits near local midnight. During the larger display of September 1-2 the aurora moved to lower latitudes and also covered a wide range in latitudes. This indicates that during great displays the auroral activity appears to expand in latitude until local midnight, at the same time moving towards the geomagnetic equator. Over large areas both displays were predominantly red. Magnetic records indicate that there were two distinct disturbances associated with the two displays. A tabulation of all known available auroral observations reported from August 28 to September 5, 1859 illustrates that by using a letter code, significant auroral activity may be recorded for use in auroral catalogues.