Recent Submissions

  • Reindeer Health Aide Manual

    Dieterich, Robert A. (Institute of Arctic Biology and Cooperative Extension Service, University of Alaska, 1981)
    The first Reindeer Health Aide Workshop was held at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks on October 6-10, 1980. This manual is based on information taught at that workshop.

    Dieterich, Robert A. (Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, 1981)
    The expertise of the writers of Alaskan Wildlife Diseases covers a broad area of science including veterinary medicine, bacteriology, virology, parasitology, physiology, biochemistry and pathology. They each gave freely their time with out compensation because of a basic desire to share their knowledge, observations and experiences. These writers are all professional wildlife disease investigators who have worked in Alaska. Their dealings with wildlife in Alaska total more than 70 years of experience. Hopefully, this joint effort will serve to bring people in this area of interest together so that they may each express their opinions and receive comments in a continuing effort to share and expand knowledge of wildlife disease.