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dc.contributor.authorParker, Khristy
dc.contributor.editorArmstrong, Barbara
dc.identifier.citationParker, Khristy. (2013). "Arrests for Violent Crimes in Alaska, 1980–2012." AJSAC Fact Sheet 13-12 (Dec 2013). REMOVEDen_US
dc.identifier.otherAJSAC Fact Sheet 14-01en_US
dc.descriptionREMOVED: This fact sheet has been removed from the website for revision. The Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center (AJSAC) has been informed by the Alaska Department of Public Safety (DPS) that the UCR arrest data that had been published in Crime in Alaska (2012) — the source of data for the fact sheet, “Arrests for Violent Crimes in Alaska, 1980-2012” — were incorrect due to incomplete data submissions for 2012. DPS has since made note of these data issues in the Crime in Alaska (2012) publication, available at:
dc.description.abstractThis fact sheet presents data from the Alaska Department of Public Safety’s annual report Crime in Alaska for the years 1980 through 2012 (the last year for which data are available) on violent crime arrests in Alaska. Crime in Alaska represents the State of Alaska’s contribution to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s national Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) program. The UCR program collects data from law enforcement agencies across the United States. (In 2012 more than 18,000 agencies participated in the UCR program.) The UCR includes in its count of arrests all arrests, citations, and summonses for 28 different offenses. Presented here are Alaska arrest data for four offenses known as Part I violent offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter (homicide), forcible rape (rape), robbery, and aggravated assault.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justiceen_US
dc.publisherAlaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center, Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorageen_US
dc.sourceAJSAC Fact Sheeten_US
dc.subjectarrests & arrest statisticsen_US
dc.subjectcrime in Alaskaen_US
dc.subjectsexual assaulten_US
dc.subjectUniform Crime Reports (UCR)en_US
dc.subjectviolent crimeen_US
dc.titleArrests for Violent Crimes in Alaska, 1980-2012en_US

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