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dc.contributor.authorBroman, Bonnie Nell
dc.descriptionThesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2014
dc.description.abstractThe Arctic Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit is the largest deposit in the Ambler Belt, SW Brooks Range. Electron microprobe and XRF examination of ~200 samples shows appreciable (>0.5 %) Ag present in galena, fahlore, and bornite; each contains variable Ag. Core logging and XRF analyses show that complex elemental zoning is present, consistent with folding but with only minor (cmscale?) spatial metal migration. Arctic galena averages 0.02 - 0.9 wt% Ag and displays a Bi-Ag correlation, indicating a coupled substitution of Bi³⁺ and Ag⁺ for Pb²⁺. Fahlore [(Cu,Ag)₁₀(Fe,Zn)₂(As,Sb)₄S₁₃] contains 0.1 -16 wt% Ag; variable As-Sb contents indicate a range from tennantite to tetrahedrite. Ag increases with Sb; high Ag is only present in tetrahedrite. FeS in sphalerite [(Zn,Fe)S] of ~0.5 to ~13 mol% shows spatial patterns, with higher FeS closer to graphitic rocks. FeS in sphalerite increases with decreasing fS₂; higher FeS sphalerite at Arctic is present with pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite and (Ag-rich) tetrahedrite. Redistribution of Ag took place during regional metamorphism: the original high FS₂-fO₂ VMS assemblage was altered with conversion of barite to Ba silicates (loss of O₂ and S₂). Variable fS₂-fO₂ conditions caused by graphite in host rocks versus barite in VMS rocks caused variable Ag mineralogy.
dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter 1. Introduction -- 1.1 The Arctic VMS Deposit -- 1.2 Location -- 1.3 Geology of the Ambler District -- 1.3.1 Arctic Geologic Units -- 1.3.2 Local Structural Framework -- 1.3.3 Hydrothermal Alteration -- 1.4 Arctic as a Kuroko-Type VMS Deposit -- 1.5 Structural-Mineralogical Interpretations of the Arctic Deposit -- 1.6 Purpose of this Study -- 1.7 Methodology and Analytical Techniques -- Chapter 2 Metal Zoning and Fold Implications -- Chapter 3 Sphalerite and Metamorphic Reactions -- 3.1 Metamorphism and the Importance of Sphalerite -- 3.2 Sphalerite Composition at the Arctic Deposit -- 3.3 Discussion -- 3.4 Conclusion -- Chapter 4 Silver Deportment -- Chapter 5 Summary and Conclusions.
dc.titleMetamorphism and element redistribution: investigations of Ag-bearing and associated minerals in the Arctic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, southwest Brooks Range, Northwest Alaska
dc.identifier.departmentDepartment of Geology and Geophysics
dc.contributor.chairNewberry, Rainer
dc.contributor.committeeSeverin, Kenneth
dc.contributor.committeeKeskinen, Mary

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