Recent Submissions

  • Simple book enclosure instructions

    Gatlabayan, Mariecris; Schmuland, Arlene B. (2020)
  • Merging Catalogs in Alaska: Navigating Shifting Boundaries

    Moorman, Rebecca (University of Alaska Anchorage, 2015-08-05)
    The Joint Library Catalog, a network of 72 public, academic, special, and K-12 li-braries that serves 65 percent of Alaska’s population, has conducted three catalog mergers in three years. As new libraries join the consortium, they face changes to OPAC design, lending procedures, and cataloging standards. Their patrons gain access to over 1.7 million titles (4.1 million items) located across the state, availa-ble to hold and send, plus reciprocal borrowing privileges.