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dc.contributor.authorRaghupatruni, Prasada Rao
dc.descriptionThesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2007en_US
dc.description.abstractDiesel generators produce electrical power. New diesel generators, which use turbochargers, release a significant amount of heat energy from the turbocharger after coolers. Another significant amount of heat energy released from diesel engines and normally not captured for useful applications is the heat released from exhaust manifolds. This project discusses the design, installation, instrumentation, performance measurement and performance analysis of an exhaust heat recovery system for a new diesel generator, which has injection timing control. A diesel generator releases about one-third of its fuel energy in exhaust heat. The main aspect of this project is to study heat recovery from the exhaust of a diesel generator for heating purposes. The amount of heat liberated from the exhaust can be used both for the space and floor heating. This project covers the work for the selection of a desired heat recovery system as well as an analysis of the results of the selected heat recovery system. The amount of heat recovered from the exhaust by the heat recovery system was 50% of the total amount of heat present in the exhaust. No corrosion spots were found on the heat exchanger during the heat recovery system run time.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction -- 2. Literature review -- 2.1. Introduction -- 2.2. Heat exchanger history -- 2.3. Low sulfur fuels -- 2.4. Soot formation -- 2.5. Heat recovery applications -- 2.5.1. Heat recovery for Eagle Alaska school in Alaska -- 2.5.2. Industrial waste heat recovery -- 2.5.3. Recovery of heat from exhaust gas of a diesel engine -- 2.5.4. Thermoelectric generators based on heat recovery -- 2.6. Heat exchanger basics -- 2.7. Economic study -- 2.7.1. Cost of fuel -- 2.7.2. Interest rates -- 3. Design of an exhaust heat recovery system -- 3.1. Introduction -- 3.2. Selection of waste heat -- 3.3. Selection of heat recovery application -- 3.4. Experimental site -- 3.5. Heat recovery system design -- 3.5.1. Heat exchanger -- Temperatures -- Heat transfer surface area -- 3.5.2. Selection of unit heater -- 3.5.3. Control system -- 3.5.4. Coolant side pressure drop calculations and pump selection -- 3.5.5. Data acquisition system (DAQ) -- 4. Installation and instrumentation -- 4.1. Introduction -- 4.2. Heat exchanger section -- 4.3. Control system section -- 4.3.1. Pump system -- 4.3.2. Expansion tank in the control system -- 4.3.3. Bypass looping -- 4.3.4. Flow meter line -- 4.4. Unit heater section -- 4.4.1. Working of control system -- 4.5. Flow meter and load cell calibration -- 4.6. Instrumentation of exhaust line monitoring -- 4.7. Cost of the system -- 5. Results and discussion -- 5.1. Introduction -- 5.2. Design verification -- 5.2.1. Effect of outside ambient temperature -- 5.2.2. Energy balance -- 5.3. Feasibility and performance -- 5.3.1. 50 hour run -- 5.3.2. 40% propylene glycol as working fluid -- 5.3.3. Heat absorbed by propylene -- 5.3.4. Efficiency -- 5.4. Soot accumulation -- 5.5. Corrosion experiment -- 5.6. Economic analysis and maintenance -- 5.6.1. Payback time -- 5.6.2. Fuel sensitivity -- 6. Conclusions and future work -- 6.1. Conclusions -- 6.2. Future work -- References -- Appendices.en_US
dc.titlePerformance analysis of capture of heat energy from diesel engine exhausten_US
dc.identifier.departmentDepartment of Mechanical Engineeringen_US

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