Articles published by UAA Justice Center faculty and staff in journals other than those published by the Justice Center.

Recent Submissions

  • Exploring the Link between Visits and Parole Success: A Survey of Prison Visitors [manuscript]

    Schafer, N. E. (Exploring the Link between Visits and Parole Success: A Survey of Prison Visitors [manuscript], 1992-08-13)
    An exploratory survey of visitors to two men's prisons finds that the visitors differ in some significant ways from prisoners' families previously described in the literature. The results raise some questions about the correlation that has been established between visits and post-release success and provoke suggestions for in-depth research into visitor/prisoner relationships.
  • Professionalism in the Alaska Department of Corrections: Education and Experience [manuscript]

    Schafer, N. E. (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1986-06)
    A survey of Alaska corrections personnel reveals that employees in all clasiffications tend to have more than the minimum education or experience required for their positions. More than 74 percent of college-educated corrections personnel earned degrees and more than 40 percent acquired their experience outside Alaska. The advantages and disadvantages of hiring large numbers of employees whose education and experience were gained elsewhere are discussed in the context of the unique problems of correctional service delivery in so large and diverse a state.
  • Prison Visiting: Is It Time to Review the Rules? [manuscript]

    Schafer, N. E. (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1989-06-09)
    Visiting rules and regulations from 71 long-term adult correctional facilities from 31 states were collected and reviewed. Most of the rules cover five distinct areas: visitor application, visitor processing, contraband, conduct, and dress codes. The rules are described and discussed in light of recent standards which stress the importance of encouraging visitors. Suggestions and recommendations are included.
  • Prison Visiting Policies and Practices [manuscript]

    Schafer, N. E. (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1991-01)
    Based on empirical evidence that visiting is significantly related to parole success, correctional administrators have begun to view family visits as one component of the rehabilitation process. Several authorities have encouraged correctional institutions to maximize visiting opportunities. Previous studies have noted geographical and architectural limits to such maximization. This paper reports the results of a national survey of visiting policies and draws comparisons with surveys reported in 1978 and 1954 to determine the extent to which prisons have increased efforts to make visiting a priority.
  • The Justice Center

    Fitzgerald, Doreen (University of Alaska Magazine, 1982-11)
    This article, by the editor of University of Alaska Magazine, presents a profile of the Justice Center at University of Alaska, Anchorage. The article covers the Justice Center's creation (as the Criminal Justice Center) in 1975, its faculty and staff, and Justice Center research and education projects, such as the Justice Center-sponsored 1982 Conference on Violence ( and video documentaries including an award-winning series on the legal and social issues of the Beaufort Sea oil lease sale. Other items of discussion include faculty views on crime and crime prevention and a project to develop a conflict resolution center in Anchorage.
  • Violence against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men

    Rosay, André B. (U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 2016-09)
    More than four in five American Indian and Alaska Native women and men have experienced violence in their lifetime, and more than one in three experienced violence in the past year, according to a new report from an NIJ-funded study. The study, part of NIJ's research program on violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women, looked at how prevalent psychological aggression and physical violence by intimate partners, stalking, and sexual violence were among American Indian and Alaska Native women and men. It also examined the perpetrators' race and the impact of the violence.
  • Is Race a Factor in Disparate Health Problems Associated with Violence Against Women?

    Rivera, Marny; Garcia, Gabriel (Center for Health Disparities Research School of Community Health Sciences University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2014-12-01)
    Research studies examining the health correlates of violence against women have consistently demonstrated associations between violence and poor health outcomes, but have not examined a disparate impact on racial minorities. Alaska Victimization Survey data (2010) were used to examine whether a disparate relationship between victimization and health problems exists for minority women relative to White women. The Alaska Victimization Survey (AVS) is a cross-sectional survey designed to provide baseline estimates of intimate partner and sexual violence for Alaskan women. Logistic regression was used to assess the odds of experiencing various health problems given race and exposure to violence status while holding age and education constant. This study found that victimization increased the odds of health problems for all women, but significantly more so for minority women. Based on allostatic load theory, minority women who are victims of violence may be more likely to experience poor health outcomes because of the compounding effects of life stressors on neural, endocrine, and immune systems. Policy and practice implications of the study findings suggest preventing and reducing violence against all women, and for informed physicians to screen patients for abuse histories and refer to appropriate counseling and other stress reduction resources.