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dc.contributor.authorForcht, Deborah J.
dc.descriptionA Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Nursing Scienceen_US
dc.description.abstractUrinary Incontinence (UI) is a debilitating medical condition that affects individuals’ quality of life. People with this condition describe decreased enjoyment of sexual activity, as well as increased risk of experiencing depression, and anxiety. Data show that incontinence is less prevalent in men than women, which may explain the dearth of studies focusing specifically on men. As men age, their rate of suffering from UI increases from 4.8% at ages 19 to 44 to over 21% by the age of 65 years. Additionally, men who suffer from permanent UI are more likely to be institutionalized compared to those without UI and have increased risk for suicide, infections, falls, social isolation, loss of independence and may suffer from life-altering fractures. For many patients, UI may be reversible with medical intervention. A critical appraisal of UI literature found many non-surgical male UI treatments that were effective. The evidence-based information was utilized to provide primary care providers with up to date male-specific interventions for UI.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsTitle Page / Abstract / Table of Contents / List of Figures / List of Appendices / Male Urinary Incontinence: A Critical Appraisal of the Literature with Practice Recommendations / Background and Literature Review / Treatment of UI / Ethical Considerations / Theoretical Framework / Critical Appraisal Results and Synthesis / Evidence-Based UI Recommendations / Conclusion / References / Appendicesen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Alaska Anchorageen_US
dc.subjecturinary incontinenceen_US
dc.titleMale Urinary Incontinence: A Critical Appraisal of the Literature With Practice Recommendationsen_US

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